Yay! A train trip!

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3rd POV

"WHAT?!" The trio screamed in unison. They were in the wrong train? But the Train Attendant said-

"....It MAAY be completely understandable knowing how hectic a train station CAN be..." Milky Way Cookie acknowledged. "But what were you thinking?! No trains go THERE from OUR station!" She scolded, informing them about their situation.

"G-Good to know!" Wizard said, slightly nervous and concerned but also pissed. "Hehe! But not to worry pals!" Milky Way Cookie spoke, her hands on her hips, reassuring them a solution to their problem. "You have your tickets, which means that everything is according to the Slumbering Moon's plan!" She informed.

"And since you have your invitations and all..!"

"I, Milky Way Cookie, the conductor, shall do everything in my power to help you reach your destination." She declared, much to the confusion and delight of everyone. "Erm...but how do we get there if there is no train?" Gingerbrave understandably asked.

"Look outside the window will ya?" So they did, and outside was the scene of a train running past a different direction just floating out into space. "There is a train...flying in the sky!" Wizard remarked. "That one...has been hijacked by the dream voyagers." Miljy Way Cookie informed.

"Instead of using the railroad, they're now flying wherever they please!" She explained, which was bizarre in its own words. "WOAH! That's a dream come true!" Gingerbrave remarked, Strawberry looked at him with concern, even if it was just a small smackle of joy...is Gingerbrave really happy and childish now? Or is it just a facade to hide more of his trauma?

"But...how are we supposed to board a 'flying' train?" Wizard asked the one dollar question everyone needed to ask. "I was just about to show you the way! Follow me, please!" Milky Way Cookie instructed. Once they followed, a portal opened in front of them, awing the three.

"Call it 'conductor's benefits!' And for you it's gonna be a rare opportunity to experience an Inter-train Transfer Portal!" She explained. "Wow...just like in my games!" Strawberry remarked.

"But...there's something to take care of before we go!" Milky Way Cookie spoke, looking to the crowd. "Dear passenger! The one going to the last station! Yes, you!" She spoke, pointing at the...donut? Person in the crowd. "Huh? Me?" The poor passenger asked, unknowing of what they were being called for.

"I'm honored to appoint you the new train conductor for the day!" She proclaimed, much to everyone's surprise. "Say what?!" The passenger spoke, but was unable to get a word in. "What are rare chance! And you are winner! Good luck! I believe in you!" She spoke, looking back to the trio who looked mildly concerned for the passenger.

"As for you, my dear friends! It's time to depart! Choo choo!"

The trio leaped into the portal, using the Inter-train Transfer Portal to get to the other Flying Train in the distance.

"Woah! This train is packed!" Gingerbrave remarked, looking at the amount of...people? In the train car. "I...I don't like it..." Strawberry spoke, feeling a bit claustrophobic. "Huh...what a peculiar bunch." Wizard remarked, causing both Strawberry and Gingerbrave to do a double take for a bit. "Wizard Cookie...! You look...different!" Gingerbrave pointed out, while Strawberry Cookie was trying her hardest not to laugh.

"Huh...yeah! Looks like it's the dream train's influence!" Milky Way Cookie spoke, as if this was next Tuesday for her. Then again they were in a 'World of Dreams' so anything was possible. "This train is where the power of dreams is the strongest!"

"Heh...I don't see much difference...! What's more important is that we're finally on our way to Wizard's Way Station, right?" Wizard asked, and now Gingerbrave was trying his hardest not to laugh.

Not to...


"It's your fault

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"It's your fault..."

"You did this..."

"You got them both killed..."

"You are a coward..."

"A coward GingerCandy..."

"Gingerbrave?" Gingerbrave blinked as Strawberry called out to him, his Soul Jam slightly glowing in his cape. "Come on, Milky Way Cookie needs help navigating the train." Strawberry Cookie informed.

"R-Right..." Ginegrbrave said, following them...

He stared blankly at the floor, now that the dream's influence was stronger in the trains...he supposes that now the Soul Jam is reacting...of all times...

It's strange...

Who was talking to GingerCandy?

And why did they sound familiar?

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