The Shy, The Brave and The Lost

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3rd POV


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Gingerbrave gasps, hearing Crunchy Chip's voice. "Oh thank the're alright" Crunchy Chip said almost worried...

What happened? Gingerbrave asked himself...he tried to recall...

It was something stupid...

He was trying to head here when all of a sudden he slipped and hit himself on a wall next to Crunchy Chip, Black Raisin and Wildberry. The whole placed was SWARMED by The Cultists...


And maybe the whole ordeal reminded him of that day...

He heard screaming for a bit, Wildberry and Strawberry hitting the assailants as quickly as they ambushed. He quickly got up and ran out to help them, using my cane and my newfound strength to power my way through the crowd. "We have to find Captain Caviar's crew!" He instructed. "We tried, they just keep coming!" Black Raisin said, using a range of ambush attacks on the cultists. "Why is there so many here?!" Wildberry spoke pushing them all back, the ambush was getting overwhelming, at least Wizard, Chili Pepper and GingerPeach had an army...this was a whole new level! They were outnumbered a hundred to 5!

Gingerbrave readied himself, to use the full strength of his Soul Jam...

Till an explosion emerged from above, the scent of Chocolate filled the air. The winds caught the five's vision off and when it cleared, GingerChoco was seen. "You guys go, I'll hold them off." GingerChoco instructed. "But, that's a lot of them! It took us 5 to deal with at least 10!" Crunchy Chip spouted. "I got the Magic Candy at the moment, I should be fine, you guys go" he assured. Gingerbrave put a hand on his back. "Be careful" he said...

As they ran Gingerbrave can't help but feel the scene was familiar...

They arrived at Captain Caviar's ship to see the crew struggling against the cultists.

"Take this!" Wildberry shouted, punching them to the waters below. Crunchy Chip and Black Raisin followed suit, Crunchy Chip riding his wolf and hitting the assailants as Black Raisin throws a bunch of daggers at them. Gingerbrave and Strawberry push through the crowd and make their way to the ship. "Is everyone alright?" Gingerbrave gasped afterwards, seeing the boat filled with cookies from the Lower City. "That's...a lot of people..." Strawberry remarked, looks around.

"That's not even half of them, the other cookies already made it to the SafeZone, we ain't even finished with these guys!" One of the Crew members informed, some were tending to the cookies. "We'll clear a path for them, Gingerbrave, you and Strawberry tend to the cookies there" Gingerbrave nodded in response to Wildberry's words as they made their way to tend to cookies in need.

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