Kingdom Tour

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3rd POV

Amongst the travels for the fragments of the Soul Jam, Clotted Cream and Financier Cookie found a kingdom to settle in for a rest in their journey...though it was rather surprising how close these fragments were to the Time Kingdom...

"So this is the kingdom Gingerbrave and his friends reside in?" Clotted Cream asked, arriving upon the gates of the Time Kingdom. "I suppose we could rest here."

Immediately the two guards brought their weapons to their faces.

"Halt! State your purpose." Two Ginger Fighters, and judging by the Green they're probably veterans or something.

Though Clotted Cream could appreciate them, seems like the security is under control.

"It's alright guys, He's with me."

Out came from the gate a golden-haired child with a golden cape, a miniature crown settled upon his head "Clotted Cream Cookie!"

"Ah, Custard Cookie III...glad to see you are well since the Christmas holidays." Clotted Cream greeted. "You bet! Thanks for letting me see House Custard!" Custard Cookie III spoke, a smile etched on his face...

Why was Clotted Cream worried you may ask? Well when he brought the child home, according to Gingerbrave, Wizard and Chili Pepper were ready to burn House Custard to the ground from all the insults Custard III heard that he didn't understand.

But it seems that Gingerbrave was able to calm them down.

"Come in! I think Gingerbrave would be happy to see you!" Custard Cookie III spoke, as if in command, the guards in the side of the gates went back to their positions.

Clotted Cream and Financier were able to enter into the kingdom...

And what a colorful kingdom it was...

The kingdom was festive and rich in multiple cultures from across Earthbread, from Parfaedia to the Dark Cacao Kingdom, the kingdom replicated decors, architecture, and art from each kingdom and nation combined...he also found some fountains inspired by the ones in House Oyster...

"Woah..." He couldn't help but spoke out, his breath taken away by the sights and sounds...cookies, sugar gnomes and all...

Sugar gnomes...the main construction workers, being helped by the Ginger Cookies, plain cookies that can adapt to any job and occupation they can whenever they want to...

The fragrant cookies of freedom.

"This way!" Custard Cookie III guided, Clotted Cream surprised as he was already in front of him in the sea of cookies. He could see restaurants and workshops around here, and the vast sea of cookies just talking and chatting and-


Soon enough they arrived at the castle remodeled in structure to fit the cookies around...a symbol.

a symbol

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