Outside the Convoncation

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3rd POV
"It seem brute strength would not break this barrier." Wildberry remarked, there was a slight crack on the gem of his gauntlet, as well as Crunchy Chip and his wolf who were thrown into a nearby bush. "Agreed...I believe that the barrier was designed to withstand something equal to the Light's power." Financier deducted. "Seriously? Wildberry Cookie couldn't even break it! You're saying he's just as strong as you?" Crunchy Chip asked huffing. "It would seem so..." Financier spoke as she turned to Gingerbrave. "What is he doing?"

Gingerbrave sat down on the Mistletoe Magic Circle he created, he mostly did this to analyze the barrier. But just one cookie isn't enough to scale this big of a place, sweat dropped as he was focusing too much magic...honestly he wasn't as skilled as Wizard and Custard Cookie III...it was hard to even get to the top. "My Lord! What are you doing?! You'll strain yourself!" One of the Ginger Fighters spoke. "What are you both doing here?" Wildberry asked. "GingerChoco, Espresso and Lord Wizard Cookie have yet to return, we came here to check what has happened!" The other one spoke. "Everyone has been locked up by some vigilante inside the barrier!" Crunchy Chip explained, before hearing Madeleine scream from the sky and drop down unto the ground. "Ser Madeleine Cookie are you alright?!" Financier asked as Madeleine groaned, an orb of protection breaking his fall. "Did you seriously try to hit it from the top of the barrier?! How reckless can you be?" Crunchy Chip exclaimed. "Well, usually when one created a barrier the origin point is the one in the very top...it appears to be less of a case with this one." Madeleine explained, rubbing his head as rubble fell from the orb. "He raises a point..." Wildberry spoke thinking. "What is Gingerbrave doing?" Madeleine asked as he was surrounded by a magic circle. "Recruits! Help me out in analyzing this barrier! We have to find it's weak spot in order to break it!" Gingerbrave ordered as the two recruit nodded going on two directions across Gingerbrave and forming their own magic circle.

The Enchantments of the Mistletoe..,

The Magic GingerCandy shared with his subjects.

"Analyzation magic?! Even the Elders couldn't discover this until years later!" Financier said surprised. "Now is not the time Financier, we have to focus in getting the Elders to safety!" Madeleine ordered, Financier nodded. "Gingerbrave can you focus on analyzing the barrier while we try to work out a solution?" Wildberry asked. "Uhhh...." He thought for a moment...looking at the other recruits as they just shrugged. "To be honest, I haven't done this before..." Gingerbrave chuckled. "What?! Are you serious?! What are you trying to do, get yourself killed?! Crunchy Chip scolded. "Not like I had a choice in the matter! If we don't analyze the barrier, we might as well destroy the Republic by constantly crashing into houses!" Gingerbrave pointed out. Madeleine groaned in frustration. "He has a point! How do we get inside quicker without causing Gingerbrave permanent damage?!" Madeleine spoke in anger. "We can't...perhaps we need to find out the identity of the Vigilante." Financier suggested. "Who is this vigilante anyway? And why haven't we heard of him since now?" Wildberry asked curiously. "Yeah! I've been wonderin that, if he sees those bozos as a threat then how come it's only now we heard of this guy?" Crunchy Chip added.

"Because it was irrelevant! That vigilante was known as that for a reason! He targeted many of the republicans Houses, many have been put to shame and bankruptcy because of him!" Madeleine expressed in anger. "Please forgive Madeleine's anger...the Vigilante beat him in a sparring match and he's been out of it ever since." Financier explained. "I DID NOT-" "Well...anyways...give us a few information then..." Wildberry said as Financier nodded.

"We do not know where this vigilante came from, state of birth, identity or even why he is here...he seemingly came to public unto the Upper City of the Republic, spreading terror to the people above it, robbing them of their treasures and throwing them away in the outskirts of the Lower City." Financier explained. "The vigilante is described to have a black mask with a cape resembling Pheonix feathers, he targets the rich and gives it to the Lower City, but most recently he had committed a murder inside the Convocation." She informed. "So he's been here since the beginning...so it is less likely us delegates." Wildberry says. "Precisely...so either we need to suspect us Paladins or Clotted Cream and Espresso Cookie." She spoke.

"What's the likely suspect then?" Crunchy Chip asked as Financier turned towards Madeleine. "Me?" Madeleine asked, "Yes...and a no...I also suspect highly the Consul and Espresso...may the Light forgive me for that." She spoke to herself. "It is alright Financier Cookie, you need not worry it is right for you to suspect possibilities." Madeleine reassured, smiling as he did so. "But that doesn't mean we won't suspect you too, Financier!" Crunchy Chip accused as Financier nodded. "I understand..."

Financier thought about her decision...

If the vigilante is out here however that would mean that...

There's an area in the barrier where the vigilante will need to go through...


That is if that's likely...

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