The Feast

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3rd POV
"This will do" Dark Cacao informed as he looked around camp. "Thank you for your help. We shall be staying here for the duration of the council. When can I see Pure Vanilla Cookie?" Dark Cacao asked facing directly at Gingerbrave. "I'll go check to see if the party preparations are done and tell him you're here! Easy peasy!" Gingerbrave informed and was just about to leave. "Before you leave...may I ask where you got that cape?" Dark Cacao asked, to be honest, Gingerbrave was wearing the same cape in the Dark Cacao Kingdom...he wondered if- "It's just a brand new cape! Here look!" Gingerbrave took the cloak and showed GingerPeach's symbol upon it, place upon it as if it were a designers sign. "I see...Forgive looked rather familiar, you may leave now..." Dark Cacao spoke, Gingerbrave ran along, sweat running down his dough as he basically lied to THE Dark Cacao and the other Ancients straight to their faces. And how everybody was recognizing the cape...sure he could take it off, but the damn thing is the very thing holding GingerCandy's Soul Jam, sure he could just keep the bow, but GingerPeach was strict about ruining her father's cape so he can't! He heard Crunchy Chip remark how he doesn't even have a coat of armor...thank the heavens he turned his focus into something else!

"Pure Vanilla Cookie? Your friends have arrived! Hollyberry Cookie and Dark Cacao Cookie are here." He spoke quickly before Pure Vanilla would remark on his cape, he quietly hoped not... "Oh at last! Thank you so much, Gingerbrave for guiding them!" Pure Vanilla spoke as Gingerbrave gave a quiet sigh of relief. "No problem at all! Is this where you'll he having the council?" Gingerbrave asked curiously looking towards the table and chairs. "Yes, it used to be my study as well as the throne room. Now, it's open to everyone. We will have a celebratory feast in the Solarium of Unity today. The Council will start tomorrow in these halls." He explained pointing his staff as he did so. "All right then, now that everyone's here. Shall we commence with the Feast? Please ask everyone to join us in the castle grounds..." Pure Vanilla instructed, Gingerbrave nodded and excitedly went be honest...he was kinda hungry...

"Dark Cacao Cookie! The party is about to begin!" Gingerbrave informed as he got back to Dark Cacao. "I see...we shall be on our way." Dark Cacao informed, like an unspoken command. "CREAM WOLVES! DEFENDERS OF CACAO! GET INTO FORMATION! Hang the proud banner of our kingdom! March forth as the brave warriors you all are!" Crunchy Chop spoke, causing Gingerbrave to yelp a bit, you can see the slight
embarrassment in Dark Cacao. "Enough. We are attending a feast, not marching into battle." Dark Cacao scolded as he fought the urge to do a face palm. "Feed the wolves and tend to your weapons. Those who wish to attend the feast, follow me" Dark Cacao instructed as everyone got down from their wolves. "Yes sir!" Crunchy Chip spoke unfazed, Gingerbrave just went back inside and showed Dark Cacao the way before checking on the preparations.

"Flowers and plants need to go here! Empty plates are needed over there!" Black Raisin yelled giving instructions. "Ah, don't wrinkle those napkins, push in the chairs so they line that all?" Black Raisin begun looking around. "Phew! I think we got everything done..." she remarked. "Trouble! Trouble! Black Raisin Cookie! We're expecting more guests! A lot more!" A Raisin villager informed running over to her. "What?! But we won't have enough food!" Black Raisin spoke in panic. Gingerbrave then, just so happen to walk in. "How's it going, still getting ready?" Gingerbrave asked checking out the preparations. "Gingerbrave! Perfect timing! The feast is about to begin, but we need more dishes. We need to fill these plates with food right now. Can you lend us a hand?" Black Raisin asked. "Of course! I'll be back soon!" Gingerbrave informed before walking out of the room and into the kitchen.

He checked to see if anyone was around and worked his magic. Using one of GingerCandy's spells, he made food appear out of nowhere...he quickly got all this food and rushed back into the Solarium of Unity. "Woah! Look at all this food!" Gingerbrave spoke, admiring the other delicacies on the table. "We barely made it...if it weren't for you, we would've had hungry guests...I'm not going to lie...I was pretty worried." Black Raisin remarked as if she was in her last breath. Hehe. I hope everyone'll enjoy the feast. No, I'm sure they will. Haha!" Gingerbrave remarked with a positive outlook. "All may tell Pure Vanilla Cookie that everything's ready." Black Raisin informed with a smile. "Yeah! Let's get this party STARTED!"

"Pure Vanilla Cookie! We're ready to begin the party!" Gingerbrave informed as he dashed towards Pure Vanilla's chambers. "Thank you so much for helping!" Pure Vanilla spoke smiling. "This is it! This is the moment I've been waiting for! I think I'm more nervous than the day of my coronation...!" He remarked as he bounced in excitement and nervousness. "Let us all head to the Solarium of Unity shall we? Come and Join me in greeting my dear friends!"

"Hollyberry Cookie! Dark Cacao Cookie!" Pure Vanilla exclaimed happy to meet his friends again. "Well I'll be baked! It's Pure Vanilla Cookie! Oh, gimme a hug, will ya?" Hollyberry rushed over to hug her old friend, after all it has been so very long. "Ho-Hollyberry Cookie! Your hugs are as tight as ever!" Pure Vanilla remarked, barely breathing but appreciating the hug, as he sorta missed it. "What's this, has your tummy grown flatter? Let's make sure your stomach is well-fed huh? You need nutrition after all that sleep! Haha!" Hollyberry remarked when she let go of Pure Vanilla. "It has been a while..." Dark Cacao remarked, hiding the tears... "Dark Cacao Cookie! I hope the journey wasn't too exhausting! Thank you for coming all the way here!" Pure Vanilla remarked, slightly tearing up...

Ok guys, so like, for a month after this I won't be posting CRK for a bit, so uhh...have this as a treat.

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