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3rd POV
"YOU! YOU FOUL HYPOCRITE!" Dark Enchantress screamed at GingerCandy as they sighed. "Hello Dark Enchantress Cookie...mind if we take this outside? Gingerbrave is sleeping right now..." GingerCandy spoke not waiting for her reply and heading out anyway. She grumbled in annoyance, she always thought that GingerCandy was entitled. Always putting his knowledge over others...cheeky brat...

"I know you have a lot to say-" "I do and you're not going to recite it to me you annoyance!" Dark Enchantress interrupted as she began to continue. "So this is how you leave behind your legacy? Let someone else pick up your own trash? How pathetic!" Dark Enchantress spoke. "Even for'd normally do it all yourself..." she explained. "You did were always off somewhere doing something no one else knew...unless that wasn't you...then I don't really know you." GingerCandy remarked, causing Dark Enchantress to scoff. "I had help...that's not even the're clearly capable of being here in the mortal plain why do you always hide?" She explained as GingerCandy sighed. "Because I can't...I've never...and I will never...I'll be stuck like this till the end of time...or until Gingerbrave is gone..." GingerCandy explained as Dark Enchantress flinched. " you always were...why was he so important?" She asked curiously. "Because he was born from the truth...because...of what he is made of..." GingerCandy explained Dark Enchantress question led as she realized. "Is that why no one remembers you right? Or even at all?..." she asks horrified as GingerCandy stares at her...

"What happened? What did you do?!"



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