Choco Mud Town

467 20 14

3rd POV

"He's not here..." Crunchy Chip Cookie remarked, sighing, he's asked everyone in the Sanctum, why is he worried? Well...

What's King Dark Cacao Cookie gonna do if one of Time Kingdom's leader's crumbs are found in a basket? Then his head would be handed to 3 leaders at once!

"No! I cannot think that!" Crunchy Chip exclaimed, "Crunchy Chip Cookie? Peculiar seeing you here." Financier Cookie asked, "Oh pleeeeeeaaaaasssseee, do you know where Gingerbrave is?" Crunchy Chip asked, his expression just as worried. "Ah...well, you're in luck, I heard he was accompanying Elder Mille-Feuille earlier to Choco Mud Town, it is located in the Lower City." Financier explained as Crunchy Chip sighed in relief, knowing Wildberry went towards that direction. "Thanks! See ya soon!" He said, before riding his wolf and heading towards the Lower City's Night Market.

"Hmph... no one's here!" Crunchy Chip remarked. "What do you think, friend?" His Creamwolf growled, and seemingly, Crunchy Chip understood what kind of growl it was. "Yeah, I think so too. They're not here. Let's hurry and find Wildberry Cookie!" Just then he heard a sound. "Did you hear that?! Something's happening over there! Are they in trouble?!" He said, riding the wolf with haste.

"This way, GingerBrave." Elder Mille-feuille directed, "The kids must love you! Do you come here often?" Gingerbrave asked preciously. "I come here not because of my faith but because it is my duty and mission to help those in need." Elder Mille-Feuille spoke. "And I will keep coming here until the day these children learn to see the Divines' glorious light."

"Whoah! You're doing great work! Now let's have some fun at the Night Market!" He said childishly. "Ha ha ha! It would be a pleasure! Alas, I'm not here for fun." She spoke, smiling. "Huh? Then why?" Gingerbrave asked curiously. "The Night Market is the perfect place to go unnoticed. The back alleys provide great cover as well. However, it will be unwise to use the same road twice." She explained. "Whoah! I had no idea!"

" It is time for me to return. What about yourself?" She asked, almost concerned for him. "Um... I think I'll stay and look around a bit more! Maybe I'll even manage to find Espresso Cookie's favorite drink!" Gingerbrave exclaimed, waving goodbye to the Elder as she left the scene...



"It's...that cookie again!" One of the back street cookies (I cannot with that name- omg) noticed as Gingerbrave had returned, with a bag in hand. Children gathered around the bag as he opened it showing food. "It's not much, but, it's the best I could buy." He explained, the children gathered and shared the food amongst themselves, even gave some to their parents. "Young child...could you be from...the Upper City?" One of them asked. "'m not actually from here...I'm a Lord of some sorts." He explained rubbing the back of his neck. "A lord from a foreign country...why would someone like you show sympathy for cookies like us?" One of them asked, so they were used to being left behind in poverty in the Republic? "Well...I kinda know how it feels to have nothing really..." after all, Gingerbrave didn't start off living in the lap of luxury drowning in paperwork...he, Wizard and Strawberry, they had to work there way up there! It's not like he hated those days was hella fun for him. "I'll be off now! Make sure you share some of these with other residents!" Gingerbrave informed, smiling and beginning to leave the scene. "Where are you from boy?" One of them asked, he looked back with a smile.

"The Time Kingdom! You'll find it somewhere in Cake-Wood Forest!"

"This place is... Ah. The mudflats, where Wizard Cookie informed us about this 'Seaweed Cookie'" Wildberry remarked, looking around for clues on where the Masked Assailants went. "Are they leading me towards a trap? We seem to be heading towards the darkest parts of the city..." he remarked before feeling the ground get...

It's really hard to move...

"Ha! Welcome, welcome! Your path here must have been difficult." One of them said, he could feel they were smirking at him with victory. "You led me into a trap...!" He yelled. "No, not just a trap. A trap that will lead to your demise!" Wildberry was not having that, they tried to ambush, tried to hold him still, but despite the ground being hard to walk on, Wildberry wasn't giving in, they were even doubtful of him being hollyberrian! I mean, a feat like this is probably only possible if you were a resident of Dark Cacao! "Ooof! Urgh, he's stronger than he looks."

"Identify yourself. Take off that mask" He demanded, having knocked the daylights after the other assailants. "To take off this mask is to commit heresy against providence...I will never take off my mask." They explained with malice and a serious tone. "Then you leave me no choice. Our fight is... over!" He yelled, jumping into the air to land a punch. " ...To me, comrades!" They yelled, two more of the masked cultists appeared, seemingly from nowhere, countering Wildberry's attack. "Get back!" "Your ignorance will not get in our way!"

"You're...?! Appearing all at once again? Just like last time... It appears I may have underestimated you." He  spoke putting his gauntlet ready. "Disbelieving heretic. Your path to oblivion will end in crumbs, abandoned by all! Say your prayers, heretic! ATTACK!"

"I can hear someone fighting, but where?! WHERE?!" He spoke, Crunchy Chip hearing grunts of pain and punches being thrown...he stepped on "Wait, this is..."

"A piece of Wildberry Cookie's cloak? Ripped off... And there! His gauntlet!" He said, now concerned for the other delegate, he examined the gauntlet... "Did he get kidnapped?! How can you be THAT big and tall and still get kidnapped?! Those masked Cookies must be better fighters than we thought!" He said, slightly impressed, his concern grew though, before his expression changed to a a determined look. "I gotta go save him!" He said, trying to pick up the gauntlet. "Spoiled icing! THIS IS HEAVY!" He remarked, now, don't get him wrong, he can carry a lot of heavy things, it's just that...well, the gauntlet seems to way about the same weight as Dark Cacao's Sword! No wait, scratch that, his son seems to favor a very similar weapon, sure, it's lighter than a legendary sword that required 3 cookies to lift it, but it was still pretty damn heavy. " I got no choice but to drag it along...!"

"Arf! Arf arf!!"

"Cream Wolf! Have you caught the scent of Wildberry Cookie?" He said, before his Cream Wolf growled in response. "WILDBERRY COOKIE! ARE YOU SAFE?!" He yelled, after that he was able to discern the noise of...

He found him.

"GET OFF ME!" He yelled, struggling to keep his balance. "WAIT! Stop! We yield!"

"It hurts!"
"Why isn't he sinking the mud?!"

"HEY... What? You can fight WITHOUT your gauntlet?!" Crunchy Chip exclaimed, there's another guy who's taller, buffer and even stronger than him! What's with him and buff dudes? "Crunchy Chip Cookie. You've arrived." Wildberry responded "This is nothing. My bare fists are enough." He remarked, wiping the dirt off his cheek. "HRMPH! Hurry up and take this! I had to lug that thing all the way here!" Crunchy Chip said annoyingly, if he could handle himself, it was a waste to even bring the Gauntlet. "Ah. Thank you." He said, taking the Gauntlet back and putting it in his hand. "This is more like it. The gauntlet feels much more natural. Now. Where were we?" He spoke, readying it's power within. "Change of plans! TARGET THE OTHER ONE! GET THE SMALL ONE FIRST!"

(😂 hold on the Creator needs to calm down-)

His Cream Wolf begun to growl and attack the assailants in self-defense. "Outta my way, mongrel!" One of them kicked to poor wolf to the ground causing him to whimper. "Cream Wolf?! Did you just kick my best friend?! DID YOU JUST KICK MY BEST FRIEND?! Bring it... BRING IT!" He said, activating the glove that mimicked that of a wolf paw. "Crunchy Chip Cookie. I stand by your side." Wildberry says as they are surrounded by the assailants. "Let's do THIS! We'll show you what the Dark Cacao and Hollyberry Kingdoms are capable of!"

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