The Order, My Family

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Madeleine's POV (Been a long time since the POV changed from 3rd POV to a character's POV)
Tw: Mentions of religious beliefs

I remember the days like it was yesterday...

Every detail of my life...before being a Paladin...

I was born and raised in a house that babied me so father had left the household...said he didn't want to 'live in the shadows of Mansion Madeleine' I'm not sure what happened to him afterwards...

But that changed me...

Mansion Madeleine became my...shadow...


I I had a legacy to live up to...a future already planned...and if you live in Mansion can see this happening...a family's house riddled everywhere where the Divine Light would even come down and touch it...but...

I was not as loyal to the Light as I am...

I was always attached to the women in my household...after all, most of them are indeed women...I was most interested in my mother, being the hero that she was, was constantly busy defending the republic, so most of the time I'd spend time with my grandmother...and with that...I begun to have an interest...a new loyalty...

My Loyalty to the Wizards...

I listened to her teachings and her words, I was infatuated...the Wizards drawing me in more than the Divine my mother spoke of...of course, this did not cause conflict for me in my early life...

I remember those days...

My Grandmother would often tell me of a kingdom so grand...that it rivaled the Vanilla Kingdom...and though the kings of each land were in good terms...friends even...the citizens weren't...

That Kingdom...was the Ginger Kingdom...oh how she missed it...she described those biscuit walls would such praise and how it was littered in the bright sunlight...most of the area being eco-friendly compared to the Republic...the paths were sometimes covered in grass and cookies would greet each other happily in the morning to work...unlike the lavish life that the Republic had. She had missed this old kingdom...but was more content that she is able to tell her stories and pass it onto me...someone who showed interest in not only her past but her beliefs.

Albiet I was rather...well...strange, including to my Aunts and Mother...showing genuine interest in a belief that was brought upon centuries and long forgotten by time...

After a while, I begun my practice on its faith and over time Mansion Madeleine once again became a Mansion of two beliefs...I had done my prayers and prayed to the shrines...I have recited the scriptures and prophecies...and I have believed in its faith for so long...

And then I vowed I'd protect it till all of time...

It was then I was told about the Phoenix Order...

"The Phoenix Order?" I asked curiously to my grandmother. "Yes dear...unlike us Biscuit Guard the Phoenix Order was one of the most powerful defenders of not only the Ginger Kingdom, but the Wizard Believers" She informed smiling. "They were the official defenders of the Six, the champions of Saint Phoenix Cookie." She informed. "Six? I thought there were Five Soul Jam?" I asked, this was the first time she mentioned 'Six' instead of 'Five' like she previously had done. " say that you want to protect the very memory of the Wizards yes? Then you must learn the true story of the Soul Jam." She said, getting up from her arm chair. "Come now, Granny isn't getting any younger!" She said as I held her hand she guided me to the back of the Mansion...a place that no Madeleine was allowed to go...not even Mother. "Now here..." She said opening a door that led down to a basement...

A huge basement...

That looked a lot like the Sanctum...except the glass stained pictures were different and there was a statue of the legendary Saint Phoenix Cookie. "Now Child...let me tell you something...history has always considered the Five Heroes, to be the only wielders of the Soul Jam..." She explained. "But that is far from the truth...there was actually a who erased all of his existence...from Earthbread" She explained as I sat down on the nearby chair. "Why did he erase himself from history?" I asked curiously. "To protect the most important Soul Jam...the Sixth...The Soul Jam of Determination..."

"Long ago, when the Soul Jam was created...the gods attempted to make Six in total and hide them amongst the nations of Earthbread...but while in process of making the Sixth...Saint Phoenix Cookie was ambushed during the ritual...the gods had lost their connection to Earthbread and the Soul Jam was left incomplete, in order to seal away the power of the Sixth, Saint Phoenix Cookie used all of their power to seal it away where no one would ever touch it...It is said, those who wield the Sixth, may harness a power, equal to that of the Soul Jam...but lesser in terms of Magical Capabilities." She informed, making me intrigued... "Which was why the Phoenix Order was protect any future wielders, the Order was made to ensure another ambush does mot happen again...and since you are interested...would you like to join the Order, Madeleine Cookie?" She asked, her smile was genuine...she was proud...

And I had sealed my fate....

"Yes! I want to protect everyone! I want to protect your memory!"


If I hadn't said that...

Would I have ended up in Paladin Academy?

My training had begun shortly after...learning offensive training, the way of the sword is one I had mastered...but grandmother was growing too old...too ill...eventually before her eventual death, Mother sent me away to Paladin Academy in order to continue the training. I had aced everything in that Academy...some cookies calling me a 'natural born leader' but...

I know...

That I will always end up in my Mother's shadow...

Even after my great deeds are sung throughout history...even if I had been blessed by the Light...

The Light hasn't been as kind as it was supposed to be...

If I choose the Light once more...

If I make the choice...

Then I'd forever be in your shadow...

"Forgive me Mother...I cannot be a Paladin...I cannot be just your son...I know you disapproved of grandmother's ways...the way she spoke of the Order as if she ingrained falls teachings towards my mind...but...being the Order...not only can I truly protect my fellow cookies from true harm...but...I can finally be more than just your son..." I was morning...early one is awake yet...We were at Mansion Madeleine's indoor fountain area...farthest from the rooms...I had confessed my sins and my actions against her... "I would like to say...I do not have any ill emotions towards you...but I always felt threatened by your legacy...I love you...but...I don't want to be you..."

Silence...nothing but silence and the sound of birds...

It nagged me...she was to disown me I'm sure of it...after I had privately talked with her and dare say such things? How dare I sound as if I hated my own mother? I would never...but how dare I? It had to be said...though...I will never get it off...I had made my choice...but the guilt in my chest will never subside if I do not confess what I have to say...



"You could've said so..."

I acted was shocked... "Oh come on, my son, even I saw your 'narcissistic nature' was quite a change in your used to be so anti-social." She remarked chuckling. "At least now I have an not be afraid to speak your mind when something is troubling you...I am your is my job until I am not young and able...If this is your choice...then I will respect it..." She says, holding my shoulder and then, gently placing her hand on my cheek. I returned the gesture by leaning into it. "My brave you've grown..." at a loss...but I smile at her in gratitude...

So long...Madeleine Cookie...

Welcome back, Phoenix Glider...

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