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3rd POV
"Oh...why isn't it working?" Espresso remarked in frustration. "We tried everything with Compressed Sugar! Even adding it the special ingredient I went through all the trouble getting! What could possibly be wrong?" Espresso asked. "Perhaps GingerCandy didn't use Compressed Sugar at all! It must've been made by different materials entirely!" Wizard wondered skimming through the old text. "But what could possibly be more stronger than Compressed Sugar?" One of the researchers asked, "Lord Wizard, Sir Gingerbrave is here to see you." One of the Ginger Fighters spoke. "Tell him I'm quite busy." He replied, he's glad he's well, but they're dealing with Life and Death here. "Actually Sir Wizard Cookie, he says it's a private discussion." They spoke as Wizard turned. Private? Was something wrong? "Excuse me" he worded as he walked towards the door seeing Gingerbrave in the other side looking at him nervously. "What is it? Is something wrong?" Wizard asks concerned as Gingerbrave looked at him with worried eyes. "It's...the Soul Jam..." He explained pointing towards his chest as Wizard nodded, ordering the other Ginger Fighters to keep watch as him and Gingerbrave privately talk near the Water Fountain...less conspicuous and more convenient to talk privately. "I had...I think a a dream." Gingerbrave says, Wizard listening in as he took notes, this was like the first time he absorbed the Soul Jam of GingerCandy, gaining visions and prophecies that lead them to the Ginger Kingdom. "I was...seeing through GingerCandy's eyes...I saw him when he was trying to make...THEIR Soul Jam...but he was struggling...then he went to the church and...I think i know how he sealed the Power of the Soul Jam." He says as Wizard stopped taking notes. "Hardened Sugar then Salt..." Gingerbrave worded. "Hardened Sugar?! I understand how we can get Salt, but Hardened Sugar? That takes time to get Hardened Sugar!" Wizard explained. "I know, but GingerCandy was able to do it, I don't know how, but he did it!" Gingerbrave explained. "Besides, you see me now! You see how much more effective I was, I could literally smash walls with my fist!" He explained. "True...and our attempts with Compressed Sugar keep failing...I guess we have to try...I'll research a faster way to get Hardened Sugar." Wizard says, as Gingerbrave nodded. "Hey..." Wizard places a hand on his shoulder. "Stay safe will you?" He says as Gingerbrave chuckled. "I promise." He says reassuringly, putting a hand over him in response.

"Hardened Sugar? Hah! Hardened Sugar?! Is he mad?!" Espresso asked concerned. "Nope...that's what he told me, besides it's GingerPeach who said it, not me." Wizard spoke, covering up the fact that Gingerbrave has a Soul Jam right dab in the middle of his chest. Used as a way to hold his cape! "Does he seriously not know how much time that takes up! Dark Enchantress Cookie will be sure to take over at this time!" Espresso expressed, panicked beyond repair. "This cannot be the only solution!"

"What other choice do we have? Compressed Sugar doesn't seem to work, and we cannot proceed with adding the specific ingredients of the cookie without risking lives!" Wizard explained. "If Hardened Sugar is the only solution...then Hardened Sugar is the only way to go!" He spouted. "No! We'll keep trying...we're already on a deadline!" Espresso said retrying his attempts with Compressed Sugar...Wizard sighed...Espresso also had a point...and it was the concern he told Gingerbrave...maybe there was another way? Maybe, if GingerCandy was here-

Wait...oh, how could he be so stupid?

Why didn't he think to ask the Cookie himself?!

"I'll be right back" he says...

He arrived at Mansion Madeleine, the cookies say that Gingerbrave came back, saying he forgot something. "Gingerbrave?" Wizard asked looking around his room, "Gingerbrave?" He asked more unsure...then he sighed, must've left already...

However a huge orange glow caught his eye...

He went over to the unmade bed, with a blanket that was hastily placed over the covers...he inched closer, and moved the blanket aside...

"A Phoenix Feather?" He asked, why was this in Gingerbrave's bed? He touched the feather in curiosity...

Then as if life flashed before him...

" am I supposed to create Hardened Sugar in such little time? My friends will becoming in two days time." He heard GingerCandy say...except unlike Gingerbrave described. "GingerCandy?" He spoke...has he been hallucinating...? Oh god, is it the tea?? Is it too much tea??? "Hm..." He then sees GingerCandy open a book, a book of magic? Then...

"Step 1: Freeze the Sugar
Step 2:...."

He witnesses GingerCandy remove his cape at the back...revealing small feathers... "Phoenix feathers?" Wizard asks, GingerCandy had Phoenix Feathers? In his back? "Add some crushed Phoenix essence to speed the time of Hardening. Heh, sometimes it's a convenience being related to Saint Phoenix Cookie." They remarked as they looked at the little device used to Harden the Sugar... "Step 3: Wait for 2 hours..." he says. "Hm...might be enough time to find some ingredients."

Wizard snapped out of the vision as he dropped the Feather...

"Wizard Cookie? Whatever are you doing here? This is Gingerbrave's room silly!" Madeleine spoke looking around as Wizard begun to pick up the Phoenix Feather...

" mind getting Gingerbrave for a bit? I need to speak with him." Wizard said in a serious tone. "Eh?" He says, before he eyes the Phoenix feather in his hand. "Ah, I see, I'll find him, do not fret!" He worded, leaving the room with haste...

"Phoenix feathers?" Espresso says. "Yep, I even drew blueprints for the machine! Now we can try and make Hardened Sugar faster!" Wizard explained. "When did you learn this could work?" He asked suspicious. "Ah...well, I remembered a recipe book for that...and went through this trouble!" Wizard rubbed the back of his head, lying through his dough. "Well, it is quite lucky you found Phoenix Feathers...they're rather rare nowadays...shame, in Ancient times, they used to be so common, their feathers would fall out of the sky." He remarked...but Espresso's voice was numb to him...Wizard looked at the instructions carefully...and his book...the book he used to keep track of Gingerbrave...

Saint Phoenix Cookie...

Now where has he heard that before?

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