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I do not know how to spell the title
3rd POV
Gingerbrave was in the White Lily Gardens...he had a talk with Pure Vanilla earlier...and decided to go to the gardens to calm his mind. The scent of White Lilies only made him sadder...
"White Lily Cookie...are you still in there? Somehow?" Gingerbrave asks...but nobody replied... "I miss're friends miss you...even Pure Vanilla...will we ever meet again?" Gingerbrave asks the flowers...but nobody replied...


Gingerbrave yelped at the voice...but it was just GingeCandy. "GingerCandy! Hah! You scared me!" He remarked putting a hand on his chest as if he had a heart attack. "Forgive me, I had just recently materialized. How are you? I sense sadness in your Soul..." GingerCandy asks, concern plastered in his face and heard in their voice. "Yeah...I miss White Lily...the gardens weren't actually council, Hollyberry spoke about bringing her back to help us...and neither me or Pure Vanilla could tell them the truth..." Gingerbrave explained, imagining how hard it must be for Pure Vanilla, telling his friends that their closest friend was the one who started all the pain and suffering...and even for Gingerbrave...he had no right to reveal the truth... "I see...for the Soul Jam of Truth, telling the truth isn't one that is easy...sometimes you have to remain quiet...many a times that Pure Vanilla has kept secrets, in order to be in good terms and to keep every cookie safe...but yet the truth still hurts once revealed." GingerCandy explained perching themselves beside Gingerbrave. "I miss her too...but sometimes we have to accept reality as the way it doesn't mean that we move on and forget what happens, but it is better to let time and others figure out what to do with problems rather than solve them yourself...the Ancients are strong...and 1000 years of friendship isn't going to break easily..." GingerCandy ended with a smile...and honestly, that cheered him up slightly, smiling back at him.


Gingerbrave heard someone call him...probably Crunchy Chip Cookie. "Run along now. You have something important to do, you can explain to me what happened tonight." GingerCandy spoke childishly, Gingerbrave just chuckled and followed in the direction of the voice, soft chatting was heard as GingerCandy took his eyes upon the Lilies...

"They look sadder today..."

"They should be here by now... Have they not arrived yet?" Clotted Cream asks. "I will check the airship port and report back on the situation, sir." Financier replied heading out of the door. "Much appreciated. Please send them directly to my office, should you meet them." He ordered, Financier nodded and left the room. "The Cookies who were dispatched to these lands before us... Their mission was to gather information on the Soul Jam. I wonder how their investigation is proceeding. If my intuition is correct, this will help us greatly in achieving our goals.

"Thank you for answering my call." Dark Cacao spoke to Gingerbrave. "What's up? Whatever you need, I'm the Cookie who can do it!" Gingerbrave explained, honestly he needed a break with all this tension. "I must talk to Hollyberry Cookie yet I cannot find her. I visited her chambers but she was nowhere to be seen. Can you help?" Dark Cacao explained his situation...did he want to apologize? Oh well no matter. "Gotcha! Let's go find Hollyberry Cookie!" GingerCandy spoke almost directing them to leave. "Just a moment...I do have a concern about you." Dark Cacao asks, Gingerbrave stopped in his tracks and tilted his head. "I saw you mumbling to yourself at the there something wrong?" Dark Cacao asks, Gingerbrave's eyes widened. "I do that?! Why did noone tell me?! Sorry! I was thinking about a way to argue back with you, but...well I couldn't find a way to send my kingdom to the expedition." Gingerbrave explained, completely embarrassed. "Why is that?" Dark Cacao asks confused, he did say he had a joint leadership, so shouldn't there be fighters? "Well you see...the joint leadership is sorta...with the Ginger Cookies...and I...well couldn't risk it." Gingerbrave spoke, making it as vague as possible, but Dark Cacao did understand, Ginger Cookies were easily able to crumble...which is why they are not known for battle, so most use ambush-based attacks. "I see...then excuse me for wasting such time." Dark Cacao explains Gingerbrave told him it was alright and tey left swiftly.

A few minutes into the search and after Gingerbrave was distracted in helping the plaza, they found Hollyberry in the Crow's Nest Inn. " ...And how did I defeat the dragon, you ask? Oh, I'll tell you how! I jumped on its tail and started taunting the great beast! The dragon got so angry, it started chasing me! And right before I was about to get eaten, I jumped off, and the dragon, oh, bit its own tail oh so hard! Ha ha ha ha!" Hollyberry told, retelling the tale on how she first beat Pitaya Dragon Cookie. "Ha ha! GingerBrave, my boy! Welcome! Have a glass of berry-" "Hollyberry Cookie..." Dark Cacao interrupts, mostly to protect Gingerbrave from consuming too much... 'berry juice' "Dark Cacao Cookie? To what do I owe the honor?!" Hollyberry asks, surprised, she's never seen Dark Cacao in a pub. "The fate of our kingdoms is to be decided, and here you are laughing and... and... and... drinking! How did you ever become Queen?!" Dark Cacao asks almost in discipline, but seriously, being an alcoholic is kinda...a little bit much for a queen...could cause some problems. " Whoah whoah whoah! Easy now! Just try having a good time for once! It HELPS, you'll see!" She nagged, honestly Dark Cacao doesn't know HOW to have a good time anyway. " Now I never expected to see you in such a place, BUT SINCE YOU'RE HERE, why don't you..." she cut herself off after examining Dark Cacao's body language and putting the dots together "...Uh? Ohh! Now I understand! You came to apologize for what you said during the Council!" She spoke, in her millennia of knowing Dark Cacao, she knows for a fact that Dark Cacao doesn't like to admit when he's wrong...or even knows how to properly time he gave White Lily flowers to apologize to her because he accidentally ruined her garden and didn't really know how to put it in words. And still those old habits don't change as his face turned red as a tomato as if everyone here was going to reveal that the oh so bitter Dark Cacao Cookie came to shamelessly apologize to Hollyberry Cookie. "No! I came to finish that discussion!"  Dark Cacao yelled, of course not wanting to admit it and trying to keep up his pride. "Alright then, apologies! Ha ha!
Here, grab your glass and drink! The juice is amazing" Hollyberry explained as she grabbed Dark Cacao and pulled around his neck.

"Oho! You're good at that" She said, despite the fact that he nearly choked him, and to the surprise of her, Dark Cacao did drink it

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"Oho! You're good at that" She said, despite the fact that he nearly choked him, and to the surprise of her, Dark Cacao did drink it. "*Hic* Oh, excuse me!" He blurted, already feeling lightheaded. "Wildberry Cookie! Stop standing there and have a drink!" She spoke, inviting Wildberry to join the fun. "I kindly refuse. Please keep in mind your promise to Queen Jungleberry Cookie-" Wildberry explained, nagging her about it. "You big sour berry! Can't you have fun just this once?! We have a war ahead! There are memories to make before then!" She spoke, as there is no time like living in the present. "Very well. I'll have ONE glass." Wildberry ultimately have given up in trying to convince the Queen Mother otherwise. "Ha ha ha! That's the spirit!" She spoke as they drank berry juice and walled away in laughter.

Except Dark Cacao...who was still light headed after just one glass.

Perhaps giving berry juice to someone who hasn't had it in over a millennia wasn't a good idea...

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