Darkness on the Republic

619 20 4

3rd POV

"I found you..."

The ground shook trembling as the sky turned red, the whole war came to a pause.

"It's the heretic who defied the gods!" One of the cultists spoke.

"We must retreat! The shadow sisters must handle this one!"

"No! Without the treasures from the gods we are powerless against her...we must retreat..."

"They're retreating, guess Dark Enchantress Cookie scared them off!" Crunchy Chip spoke looking as the rest of the nuns retreated. "Let's go! This is our chance to move!" Gingerbrave instructed, the delegates and Captain Caviar's crew guided the rest of the citizens to safety at the safehouse.

"There you are...Gingerbrave! How wonderful to see you again since last time!" Gingerbrave turned at the sky, looking at the direction of the voice, eyes glaring with anger. "I see that the Soul Jam is already in 'safe' hands...however, your efforts are futile..."

"This little war has reached its end...it was fun while it lasted..."

A huge roar was heard around the republic as the sky, Gingerbrave looked left and right. The sky was guarded by a cake dragon, the grounds laid to waste by a cake witch and the Licorice Sea emerged from the waves of the Lower City!

"It's like she just summoned every single enemy we've ever faced!" Wizard remarked.

"Don't fall back! Dark Enchantress Cookie is a dangerous cookie, she won't let us surrender easily, we have to charge against her!" Gingerbrave shouted.

"Gingerbrave is right, at times like this, we must not falter!" GingerPeach shouted. "Stand before the darkness Ginger Fighters! ΑΕΡΑΣ!"

The Ginger Fighters all stood in position, in fighting stances ready to fight.

"A final effort from you Gingerbrave? You're as pathetic as your predecessor...using his daughter to fight for you while you cower beneath them..."

Gingerbrave paused, holding his cane tighter with both arms.

"Have it your way Gingerbrave! Watch as the rest of your kind crumbles like the rest of your family has!"

Gingerbrave's eyes widened with anger as the Cookies of Darkness appeared, and as if adrenaline had reached him, Gingerbrave took the first strike, darting towards them and nearly hitting Licorice Cookie.

"Gah-! Woah, hey?!" Pomegranate rushed behind Licorice as Gingerbrave looked at her with sheer murder in his eyes, blasting her with a strike of magic. Instantly the Cake Hounds forced their direction towards Gingerbrave was forced back until the Ginger Fighters charged at the Cake Hounds.


"Make a path for him!"

"What the heck was that?!" Chili Pepper remarked on Gingerbrave's sudden adrenaline, to which Wizard clutched his hands on his staff. "No one...NO ONE insults our family!" Wizard yelled providing back up as he shot blasts of magic at the sky, scaring the dragon and whatever was attacking from the sky.

Chili Pepper paused at that statement and looked at Strawberry Cookie who clutched her lollipop and retreated back into the safe house.

"The Republic is being laid to waste before our very eyes...!" Clotted Creme said watching in horror at the destruction before him. "Is this...the true power of Dark Enchantress Cookie? The one who sparked the Dark Flour War...the one who defeated the Ancient Heroes, single-handedly...? And she is here...raining destruction upon our city...!"

"CONSUL, SIR! Snap out of it!" Financier Cookie yelled, causing Clotted Cream to flinch. "We must stay calm and think rationally! The cookies of the Creme Republic need our aid!" She spoke, trying to keep him to his senses. "Ser Financier Cookie...! I...I..." Clottef Cream paused, whisking his head around to bring himself back to his senses. "Thank you for returning me to my senses...The sheer power before us is nothing like I've ever seen."

"I shall command the Pearl Legion myself...You must lead the Paladins and cover the rear." Clotted Cream ordered. "Yes, Sir!"

"Strawberry Cookie?!" Chili Pepper barged into the Safe House looking for the strawberry-scented cookie. Worried sick. "Over here!"

Chili Pepper looked at the direction Custard III was signaling to, showing that she was in the medical room.

Chili Pepper looked inside, and suddenly...

Strawberry was...already doing medicine...?

Ok...that's one way to run out from a stressful situation...

"How are they kid?" Captain Caviar asked, looking at his first mate with concern. "Just a few bruises and scratches...they should be fine later..." Strawberry spoke, and then was startled when Chili Pepper tackled. "There you are you little squirt! Geez you and Gingerbrave run quick." She remarked, Strawberry froze slightly for a bit, but managed to compose herself.

"S-sorry...I don't usually butt in when Gingerbrave and Wizard make an enemy personal..." Strawberry answered to which sparked confusion to Captain Caviar.

"What happened while I was in here?"

"That old hag reminded Gingerbrave of his dead family, now the kids are going nuts!" Chili Pepper remarked, as suddenly the window was shattered, a cake hound whimpering inside then fled as swiftly as it entered.

"I can...see that..." Captain Caviar said looking out the window and kind of intimidated as Wizard summoned A whirlpool-shaped storm cloud and Aimee said cloud at his assailants nearly hitting Licorice Cookie.

"Hey! Woah! Slow down a bit will you?!" Licorice yelled summoning more Licorice Servants.

"I'll slow down when you get a new outfit!" Wizard yelled, swirling his wand around as if it were a prop and propelling a blast aimed at Licorice.

"I'm seriously scared of that kid..." Captain Caviar spoke, looking out the window. "Eh...he does that...once he threatened to turn me into a frog." Chili Pepper remarked. "Did it work?"

"Only for 3 days" Chili Pepper replied to his question. "It was actually a week, Chili Pepper" Strawberry added.

"Seriously though, how did that kid learn storm magic at that age? From what Clotted Cream said, he was just BORN!" Captain Caviar remarked, motioning to Wizard. "I don't know...said something about his wand being a sacred relic or something...anyways, he does have a huge book in the Tower of Records...I won't ask, I'll let them run off for a bit..."

Chili Pepper looked outside, no longer looking at Wizard. But looking at Gingerbrave, who to others got lost in the crowd, but Chili Pepper sees him...

She hopes the Ancients arrive before he ends up picking a fight against the Cake Witch.

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