Investigation: Delegates POV

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3rd POV
"Good morning, my friends. How fared your first night in the Crème Republic?" Clotted Cream greeted in Mansion Madeleine as the rest ate breakfast. "Crunchy Chip Cookie seems to be in... discomfort." Wildberry remarked looking at how tired Crunchy Chip was "HMPH... I er... had a nightmare." He answered rubbing his eyes. "A nightmare?" Clotted Cream asked concerned. "I was dreaming... of eating sweet Jellies. So many of them. And then a shadow appeared above me and I looked up and... and... IT WAS KING DARK CACAO COOKIE!" He begun. "He forced the entire Cream Wolves into disciplinary training... I felt like my insides were being turned inside out! It's that soft, velvety bed! That... thing defies everything the warriors of Dark Cacao stand for!" He remarked as Wildberry sighed. "HA HA! Did everyone sleep well? BEHOLD! I have taken extra care to prepare for our long day ahead." Madeleine remarks showing off his new suit. "Madeleine Cookie! You used a lot more cream than usual today! You look really fancy!" Gingerbrave compliments looking at how fabulous he was. "As I should! I must look perfect for today's commendation ceremony!" He explained "I used an entire bottle of whipped cream to style my hair! Do you like it? OF COURSE YOU LIKE IT! After all, I am Madeleine Cookie!" Madeleine remarked as Gingerbrave chuckled. "Ceremony or not, it has already been a day since our arrival in the Crème Republic." Wildberry spoke. "I am eager to learn how research on the Soul Jam is proceeding."

"Oh, me too! I wonder how it's going!" Gingerbrave says just as eager. He was also wondering when the Ginger Cookies would arrive. "I believe there is some time before the ceremony begins. Shall we proceed to the Institute to learn for ourselves? And after... You each remember what I asked yesterday, yes?" He asked as they all nodded. "Each of us must engage in deep conversation with the Elders..."

After awhile...They decided to split...Madeleine and Financier begun to question Elder Vanilla Sugar, Elder Mille-Feuille, and Elder Canele Cookie, whilst Clotted Cream took to Elder Custard and Elder Oyster, Gingerbrave and the rest decided to take their chances with Elder Sable, Elder Baumkuchen and Captain Caviar...perhaps even Elder Mulled Juice... (Look I'm reading a tumblr post that has the entire dialogue of Day 2, so if I'm wrong sue me.)

"Let's head outside! GingerPeach must've sent the Ginger Fighters by now at least!" Gingerbrave suggested...

They went outside as Gingerbrave suggested, honestly it was rightfully understandable, as he IS one of the leaders of the (name suggested by RaiWasFound)
The Time Kingdom (I like this...I actually didn't want to name it 'GingerCandy Kingdom' like, 'Vanilla Kingdom' and or 'Hollyberry Kingdom' cause that's too into the Ginger Cookies instead of different cookie races) They were able to find Elder Sable and she greeted them at the fountain. "You are the delegates from the kingdoms overseas? Welcome. I am Sablé Cookie, Elder of the Arts. How do you like our fair city?" She asks. "It's... alright, I guess? Still don't know what to think, honestly..." Crunchy Chip remarked bluntly. Honestly this city was a lot to take in and it was definitely a culture shock to everyone "Goodness, how so? We are the only nation on Earthbread for such a sophisticated yet elegant and dignified culture to call home." She asked concerned, was the city not elegant enough for them? Or hospitable. "The Cookies of the Crème Republic spend their days with happiness and delight. Just look at the Cookies in the piazza: Enjoying life to its fullest." She informed pointing to two cookies.

"Hello there! You seem to be in the greatest of moods, my friend!"
"Of course I am in a great mood! Life is great and sweet! Our Republic is the greatest place on Earthbread!"

"And there you have it. Heartwarming, is it not?" She remarks looking towards them again. "The city itself is a work of art. Below your feet are hand-crafted tiles adorned with shells, coated with sugar to provide comfort with each step. And afar, the Lyceum: the seat of authority and power in the Republic, inspired by conch shells to express balance and symmetry. A prime example of avant-garde architecture and form." She explained as Crunchy Chip begun to reboot. "Can any of you understand her? She's... speaking... Cookie, right?" He asks as Wildberry and Gingerbrave unfortunately nodded. "Immerse yourselves in the city and you will see more than just art! You will see true culture at its finest!" She informed as she begun to cup her mouth, "My goodness! I've almost Sir, Gingerbrave?" She asks as Gingerbrave pointed at his direction. " "The Bear Jelly King" is performing tonight, a masterpiece which I have directed." She informed. "As one of the great leaders of the lost kingdom of time, I shall extend a special invitation for you and the other delegates." She says as Gingerbrave looked shocked. "The stage and its props are breathtaking! The cast is simply marvelous! I shall extend a special invitation for you to tonight's showing." She informs, Gingerbrave was intrigued but Wildberry's clearing of throat reminded them of their situation...

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