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No art for this one two, sorry guys ;-;
3rd POV
The Cookies dropped Gingerbrave off at the clearing, the rest already coming back since Gingerbrave was missing. "Gingerbrave!" Strawberry squealed, grabbing Gingerbrave and hugging him protectively. "Hey, It's alright, they're with us..." Gingerbrave explained. They stood down. "Where did they take you?" Pure Vanilla asked concerned. "To...some kind of tree on top of a hill..." Gingerbrave explained. Rubbing the back of his head. "Apologies for our haste, it is what the Ginger Fighters are trained for" The 3rd Cookie spoke, her head bowing in apology. "No worries! I was able to talk it out to GingerPeach! No hard feelings." Gingerbrave spoke smiling. "You're really good at that huh?" Wizard spoke impressed. Gingerbrave just chuckled. "So...who are you Cookies?" Hollyberry asked not recognizing the three. "We are the Ginger Fighters, this is our Captain, GingerPearl, I'm GingerPudding, and this is GingerChoco" GingerPudding spoke, she was the 2nd Voice heard by Gingerbrave. "Don't just give out information like that!" GingerChoco spoke annoyed. "Why not? Her majesty has already made peace with this group!" GingerPudding said crossing her arms. "You know for a fact that it is very, VERY difficult to earn GingerPeach's trust that easily!" GingerChoco spoke angry. "Would you guys quit fighting for once?" GingerPearl spoke annoyed. "Yes Captain..." Both GingerPudding and GingerChoco agreed body languages slightly annoyed. Gingerbrave was slightly saddened...he didn't want conflict... "Well...since we're sorta...teaming up...can we get to this Paradise place?" Chili Pepper asked. "We need to wait for Princess GingerPeach...out of all the cookies only she and her mother can know where Paradise is..." GingerPearl explained cautiously observing them. "How is she the only one who knows?" Wizard Cookie asked. "I'm afraid not even we know...they just...have a way to find it...all the time..." GingerPearl said, the other two confirming.

Speaking of GingerPeach...after a while...she had returned to the clearing. "We'll go straight...the Forest will change in Two days so we have to make it before distractions!" GingerPeach ordered the Ginger Fighters nodded, confirming her command. "While we're here...could I see my father's cloak? I need to make sure my eyes weren't deceiving me..." GinegrPeach asked. Wizard pulled out the cloak from Strawberry's backpack and gave it to GingerPeach. She carefully examined the cloak almost searching it...till she found a familiar stitch in the corner of the cloak...

She sighed as she looked at the stitching, almost was a little peach...her father had allowed her to use his cloak for a day and she made a little stitching. Declared to him that he wouldn't feel lonely now that she's stuck to the cloak. She remembered the slight chuckle her father made when she said that...she sighed and gave it back to Gingerbrave. "It's real..." she confirmed. "Wait really?! So GingerCandy really DID give this kid his cloak?!" GingerChoco exclaimed in surprise, everyone knew that GingerCandy never trusted anyone with his cloak other than his family...and suddenly this random Ginger Kid had his cloak? "Yeah...apparently..." GingerPeach spoke so much in surprise as GingerChoco. She looked to Gingerbrave as he wore the cloak around himself again...she stared...

"Why do you look like a mini-version of him?" She mumbled, though Gingerbrave caught it...he slightly thought, and realized he really did look a little like him... "Huh...I actually just realized that..." Gingerbrave spoke "I actually assumed all Ginger Cookies look like this?"he spoke embarrassed. They all just shrugged, they actually thought the same before GingerCandy created the whole kingdom so how are they complaining?

After a while they walked on foot, GingerPudding hunting for food but not losing sight of them...GingerPeach led the way...the Ginger Fighters behind all of them. They were right when they spoke that GingerPeach's trust was hard to get...after walking a few hours they were getting close to the place according to GingerPeach, but since it was getting Dark, they decided to camp for the night...meanwhile GingerPeach had asked Gingerbrave to speak with her privately...

"How is my father?" GingerPeach asked...away from the campsite... "He's alright! He's pretty much calming." Gingerbrave spoke. She looked at him and smiled for a while. "Is he doing well?" GingerPeach asked. "Yep!" Gingerbrave answered, she must've really missed her father...very much... "Can...Can I see him?" She asked, Gingerbrave looked surprised, how did she know? "I'm his daughter...I know when a "Christmas Carol" spell is used..." GingerPeach spoke proving a point. Gingerbrave looked back at the campsite. "Maybe not near them..." Gingerbrave spoke...he cant really say, but there's a hunch that showing GingerCandy and summoning him while they haven't arrived will bring a bad they steered a little far from the campsite to be seen...

"Christmas Carols" Gingerbrave chanted, waving his cane in the air...the mist had appeared...

And GingerCandy was here once more...

"Hello, GingerPeach..." GingerCandy spoke smiling at his daughter... "Father!" GingerPeach exclaimed running up to hug him...despite being older, she still hasn't reached her father's height. "I missed you!" She spoke tearing up, GingerCandy hugged her back. "I missed you too...forgive me for leaving you like that..." GingerCandy spoke hugging his daughter tight. Years they have been separated...he remembers how small she small as Gingerbrave. He looked at Gingerbrave and smiled almost a smile of gratitude. Gingerbrave smiled back...returning the thanks.

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