A King's tale, A leader's light.

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3rd POV
"Now we just need to-" Opening the door was Custard III and several Ginger Fighters with him. "Stay outside, we need a second layer of protection, make sure it allows Gingerbrave and Strawberry Cookie inside!" Custard III ordered. "Yes sir!"

"Another noblemen from the Ginger Kingdom? But he looks so...young!" Elder Sable remarked looking at Custard with concern.

"Lord Custard III! We have an injured cookie." One of the ginger fighters spoke to another with burn marks. "I'll handle this, go outside and help the others." Custard responded, the Ginger Fighter saluted and left the Safe House as Custard masterfully healed the cookie. He tried to stand but Custard pushed him down. "Now hang on! Give it a few minutes, your dough is still sensitive to the wounds!"

"Y-You're...a Custard?..." Clotted Cream asked to which the said cookie looked at him with confusion. "Why yes! Custard Cookie III! That's me!" He said bowing before he spoke. "Now where are the rest of the injured, I have a duty you know!" He asked dutifully, Clotted Cream looked nervously, wondering why an actual CHILD especially younger than Gingerbrave and Wizard would ever be in a place of leadership, but he complied, showing him the medical room. Elder Bamkuchen Cookie looked confused at the child before witnessing his healing magic.

It was similar to Pure Vanilla Cookie, yet much...weaker? In comparison. But wow does he know restoration magic, and by now even that is hard to master without Pure Vanilla's guidance!

"Who...is this Cookie?" Elder Bamkuchen asked curiously. "I...I believe he may be...Premier Custard's...son?"

"That's my grandpapa, mister." Custard III corrected. "I mean I am the third of my name!"

"Grandchild...? So...he has long passed..." Elder Custard spoke from behind, just as shocked to see that his brother's descendant was in the room with remarkable knowledge of healing magic. "Here, drink this, it tends to help with the pain a little." Custard III spoke to a Paladin who's head was injured during the battle, honestly...Custard could do much with Healing magic, but blunt force trauma isn't exactly easy to heal.

"Why is someone so young...even in a position of leadership in the Time Kingdom...?" Clotted Cream asked to which the cookie hummed to him curiously. "You're...FAR too young to even lead an entire kingdom, compared to Gingerbrave and Wizard Cookie-" "Well they weren't exactly born the same way as me!" Custard interrupted, continuing to heal other cookies, Clotted Cream looked confused. "Wh-what?"

"I mean, Gingerbrave, Wizard and Strawberry weren't baby cookies at all! So you don't really have to compare me if they had to be kids with the knowledge of adults sometimes." Custard pointed out, looking to him and holding his staff. "Besides, I'm still in training! One day, I'll be king of the Time Kingdom! You'll see!" He declared with a smile. Then a new wave of Ginger Fighters arrived inside the healing room.

Custard III guided them to the spare beds where the other Paladins have already run back to battle, their dough more sustainable than the Ginger Cookies.

"King...? You want to be king...?" Elder Custard said under his breath, looking at him suspiciously as the child roamed each cookie, healing two at the same time. "Of course I do! Who wouldn't want to be king?" Custard III spoke.

"Seems like a long way to go from there...that road is hard to...imagine." Clotted Cream spoke taking a seat somewhere. "I know, that's why I learn from Gingerbrave and my other friends."

"Wizard teaches me history, Strawberry teaches me medicine, GingerPeach teaches me how to give a speech and Gingerbrave inspires me!" He informed, to which Clotted Cream was confused once more...

"That Ginger Cookie? How does he inspire you? He seems a bit of a daydreamer." Elder Custard said, Clotted Cream wanted to scold him for being THAT direct about his feelings towards Ginger Cookies. "That's what I like though!" But as Custard III uttered those words, both cookies (Elder Bamkuchen was getting medicine) stared at the child.

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