War against The Orders

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Heyo! using a computer rn

3rd POV

"My friends... Our time has come. Our path to paradise will be opened soon, provided by providence itself. We will no longer trudge through the mud. We will no longer be caught in the dark, groveling to see the light of the sun." Missionary Cookie declared, speaking messages like a prophet of a god 

"What nonsense are you spouting this time?!"

"We don't need paradise from some grand unknown power! We need work! We need jobs!"

"Open your eyes. Flush away the ignorance. Unravel your hearts...Only then will providence pave the way to the sky..." She informed as if trying to lead a herd of sheep. "I see you are tirelessly delivering the words of truth to the crowds. Providence smiles upon you." Shadow Sister Cookie spoke unveiling herself from the shadows. "Thank you, good Prior..."

"Unfortunately I bear holding ill news...the word of providence is being rebelled against" She informed, causing a gasp from the missionary herself "but by who? who would dare deny and rebel upon the grace of providence?" She said shocked as ever. "A force that calls themselves 'The Phoenix Order' they have and yearned to extinguish the light of providence and prevent cookies from ever being blessed by its grace" She informed further "War is upon us, dear sister...I suggest you prepare and take cover for the worst" 

"Of course Prior, may the mercy of providence, grace us all!"

"Aaand...with this..it should be done!" Espresso declared...The big globe-like candy glowed brighter than before, as if reacting to the receptacle, "Did it work?" Wizard asked curiously "Well we have to find out first..." GingerChoco declared as he hastily made his way to touch the newly-formed device "W-Wait! we haven't even tested it yet-" 

A huge explosion followed as it echoes into the room

Espresso and Wizard both heard ringing, the guards nearby were quick to assist them both "Ser GingerChoco!' One of them yelled in concern as one of the captains was floating in the air, chest pointing towards the glowing orb "What should we do?! What if it explodes?!" The other yelled, everywhere in the lab was flying, desks, papers even dangerous equipment. "hrgh!...Get Wizard Cookie to safety, I shall defuse this situation!" Espresso ordered, both the Ginger Fighters obeyed, taking the unconscious young lord out of sight. Espresso activated his coffee magic, attempting to balance the power by sucking it into his makeshift black hole. "Ser GingerChoco!" He screamed and after hearing a gasp from the warrior, he fell to the ground with a thud. Espresso quickly rushed over to the Ginger Cookie "Are you alright?" he spoke, noticing how the orb had immediately attached itself to his cape. "Lord Gingerbrave...!" He spoke "He is fine, he went back to Mansion Madeleine with others" Espresso informed "I must...I have to...!" He grunted, feeling the pain take over, "Calm yourself...you aren't at your right mind...let me take you back..." Espresso felt guilt wash over...perhaps it was wrong to try and replicate the power of the Ancient Heroes...

All of them including Wizard Cookie were entrusted in the care of Mansion Madeleine...It was normal for them to study healing magic, after all Madeleine wasn't the only Paladin...that night...

"Captain" Madeleine spoke out of respect, the guardsmen outside were Ginger Fighters...so this conversation was kept private. "Guardian of the Phoenix...it has been perhaps more than a decade since a Ginger Cookie like me has ever laid eyes on one...you have my respects..." GingerChoco said as Madeleine bowed his head. "What is it you ask of me? The Princess has already labeled a request...protecting the Wielder of the Sixth is my priority" He informed, placing himself upon the bed "It must be your top priority...as well as...destroying the Order's leader..." GingerChoco declares "I have found their Head...the powers of the gods showed me of what is yet to come...Gingerbrave is in danger..." He warned, Madeleine's face darkned at the news "What is your command?" He asked as GingerChoco struggled to sit up straight "Eliminate the Head...The Phoenix Order must not let there be another war against the Time Kingdom, we must not lose our precious home and our leader again!" He orders as Madeleine kneels, as if a knight who bows before it's king "I shall do what must be done, for the sake of the Wizards..May Saint Phoenix Cookie pray for my soul..." he says, standing up and bowing once more, leaving the room and showing respect to the other Ginger Fighters "Madeleine Cookie?" He hears that voice again "Why are you visiting GingerChoco's room?" Espresso asked, concerned, Madeleine's face darkend for a bit, but that illuminating smiled returned, as if he had quickly placed on a mask. "Why, I was merely concerned for our beloved guests! Gingerbrave was told he couldn't visit him because of the incident, so I thought I'd check for him! How about that? My great deeds have outdone me yet again!" He said bring back his laughter and light shining in once more. Espresso was doubtful...after all he did learn the truth of his façade. "Why are you really here?" Espresso asked as Madeleine's mask begun to break, seeing the look on his face and his arms crossed was telling him to put it down...

but that was just one mask...     

"You can talk to me Madeleine...we've known each other long enough-" "No we don't, I only tagged along, we don't know anything about each other" Madeleine spoke, in a serious tone. "I barely know anything about you...even your background...same with you and me...so heed my advice Espresso...don't go making friends with someone you might regret being with...it only hurts you more..." he warned...finally..

That mask was broken...

"I see...then as your colleague, I must ask you this...why are you visiting him? Normally you'd visit me first..." he argued, Madeleine sometimes hated how smart we was...but that's how it was "His was closer...I was merely discussing he go home...after all, I wouldn't want to explain to the Princess why one of her guards seemed so heavily injured in the republic...and possibly dead..." Madeleine explained, another fabricated explanation "Being the Commander of the Paladins and the only Supreme Security force in the Republic, you can probably imagine the scolding I'd get." He explained, his eyes telling Espresso to back off...and beyond that was the shadow of a mask he vowed to never unveil "I see...then goodnight, Madelene Cookie" Espresso greeted "Good night...Espresso..." Espresso walked away, hearing the other's footsteps drown away into silence...

Madeleine was hiding something...

Espresso wasn't sure how, but he is...

and...He's gotten VERY good at hiding it...

Angst for all you Esspressline shippers...you betcha there's gonna be conflict against these two! and this is the beginning of when the story begins to derail from the original

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