Daughter of the Ancient

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3rd POV
"Y-You're father's cloak?" Gingerbrave asked, "Wait, you mean THIS cloak?" He gestured, pointing to the cloak he was wearing. "Yes...where did you get that...my father wouldn't let anyone touch his cloak, only me and mother..." She spoke "I...he let me borrow it...he told me that once I wore it, someone would understand that..." Gingerbrave explained. "How should I believe you? That's an important item of his! It was given by his mentor when he had completed his studies!" She explained further holding a dagger. "Hold on now...GingerPeach, was it?" Wizard butted in. "I can assure you, he's telling the truth...at least I think so...your...erm father...he may have unintentionally allowed him to activate a transportation and private communication spell..." Wizard explained. "That spell?! But...only mother could- Who are you?!" GingerPeach asked in shock. "These are the Ovenbreak Cookies, and we are the Ancients." Pure Vanilla added. "The Ancients?! You haven't perished?! Impossible...I was sure..." GingerPeach said in shock.

"How about you sit down and lets have a talk?" Pure Vanilla gestured, his smile and tone gentle as always. "I can't be too sure of you yet...maybe..." she spoke, obvious distrust in her words... "I...must speak to Mother..." she said, before jumping into the trees and disappearing. "Wait!" Gingerbrave reached out...but she was long gone...he sighed in defeat. "She would've known where Paradise was!" Gingerbrave remarked. "Maybe you should avoid wearing the cloak..." Strawberrry suggested. "She seemed to have a negative reaction to it..."
"Ok...I guess you're right..." Gingerbrave said, removing the cloak and placing it in Strawberry's bag. "We must keep going then..." Hollyberry remarked. "Paradise must be somewhere beyond this place..."

"Let's split up..."

Gingerbrave walked along the non-existent path of the forest

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Gingerbrave walked along the non-existent path of the forest. At some point of time, he snuck away from Wizard and Strawberry unconsciously. He wandered off contemplating the earlier reaction from GingerPeach. "Was it really that bad I when I wore GingerCandy's cloak?" Gingerbrave asked to himself... "I didn't mean to make her upset..."

"Should I call GingerCandy? Maybe...but we're not there yet..." he contemplated and continued to talk to himself..."maybe I should..."

Gingerbrave lifted his Candy Cane staff up. "How did it go again? Christmas Carols?" He spoke unconsciously, a mist surrounded him as he said the word, this time it disappeared quicker, revealing GingerCandy to the forests. "You called me so soon...what is troubling you?" GingerCandy asked "How did you know?" Gingerbrave asked surprised, "You absorbed my Soul Jam...of course I know what you feel." GingerCandy explained. "Oh...you still haven't told me how that works..." Gingerbrave remarked, kneeling down. Almost like a sitting position. "I met your daughter..." Gingerbrave explained. "GingerPeach? How is she? Is she well?" GingerCandy asked. "Y-yeah, she's ok...it's just...she had a somewhat negative reaction...to your cloak..." Gingerbrave spoke "Ah...I should've warned you about that...sorry..." GingerCandy remarked.

"She was the closest to me and her mother...knew everything about us...It's sad to see her distrust the outside world...must've gotten in from him..." GingerCandy said chuckling afterwards. "Him? Her mother's a he?" Gingerbrave asked. "It was a running joke in the family...and then it kinda stuck...He doesn't mind..." GingerCandy explained again chuckling once more. "But that's not what you want to hear..." he continued.

"It's alright...she'll get over it...she will trust you eventually...she just needs to console her mother..." GingerCandy reassured. "After all...I'm guessing that's who she'll seek for guidance in my absence..." He explained. "Really? So I just have to wait?" Gingerbrave asked in confirmation. "Mhm...it's fine..." GingerCandy says. "Maybe you should head back now..."

"Head back? Oh shoot, I forgot! I wandered off and left Wizard and Strawberry Cookie!" Gingerbrave exclaimed frantically. "I should go!" He said scurrying off.

"Good luck!"

"The winds sound rather sad today..."

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