Bury the Memory p2

353 17 2

3rd POV
Wizard and Strawberry continued to work out the supplies for the funeral shrubs as Gingerbrave requested, allowing him to prepare mentally for the cremation.

'The reason I didn't want to have this happen...is because I was scared of burning an empty shrub'

Is what he said...so Strawberry and Wizard decided that no more traumatic memories will haunt the poor guy anymore and give him some time to relax and mentally prepare for what is to come...

Hollyberry and Wildberry were checking out some of their supplies when Wizard and Strawberry came to check.

"That...that much...?"

Wizard looked at her array of supplies, just enough to stabilize all of the shrouds.

"Well, I wasn't sure how this funeral practice of yours worked...so I brought extra just in case..." Hollyberry spoke, tapping on a box filled with some of the supplies...

"Thank you Hollyberry Cookie." Strawberry spoke, looking at the row of boxes stacked by 3s.

They continued, heading to check Pure Vanilla's stash of supplies.

"You told GingerPeach about the funeral arrangements right?" Wizard asked, Strawberry nodded in response. "And I told Chili Pepper and Custard Cookie III to leave in advance to see if anything went wrong during the preparations..."

Wizard nodded in approval, looking at his checkboard. "So...this is it huh?" Wizard spoke, his expression as if not looking forward to the funeral. "We finally get closure...or at least...we can finally move on..." Strawberry spoke, looking up into the sky...

The sun was bright today...you don't see that as much in the oven...

They were about to head to Pure Vanilla Cookie when they spotted Gingerbrave, he was playing with the kids of the Raisin Village, a small moment where even in pain, Gingerbrave still smiles through it all...

"I gotta say...you all are strong for your age..." Black Raisin spoke, walking beside them to check on the kids. "It's kind of inspiring..."

"Perhaps he is stronger than all of us..." Wizard spoke, looking at Gingerbrave...despite the bright sun shining upon them as they played, the serene background of the peaceful Vanilla Kingdom...despite his smile...

Gingerbrave's eyes only revealed the truth...

Eyes were the beholder of everything after all...

A smile can hide the sadness...the eyes can reveal the sorrow beyond...

"I can't imagine what that must've felt like..." Black Raisin spoke. "I wonder how you can still go on..."

Wizard and Strawberry themselves didn't know how they could even begin to continue their journey...looking back at how far they came...it was no different than the oven...

Through thick and thin...they just needed to trust Gingerbrave...that what he's doing is all worth it...

And looking back it probably was...

All those cookies that died in the Oven...every last one that struggled to get where they have come...

It was better to move forward and remember them...than for them to die in vain knowing none of them survived...

Perhaps that's why he continues to fight...perhaps that's why Gingerbrave refuses to give in to the darkness...

Why he chooses to be the shining hope of light for others...he too felt the overwhelming force of the darkness...the pain, the suffering, the anguish...yet he has the capacity to go on and ensure no one feels that darkness...ever...

A home where they could live in peace without having to worry about the Witches...that's what they've always wanted...

Wizard sighed. "We must go...there's still work to do..."

They entered into the Vanilla Castle, where Pure Vanilla greeted them with a few supplies...compared to Hollyberry's and Dark Cacao, the supplies mostly consisted of flowers...

"It's not much...but..." Pure Vanilla spoke, Strawberry shook her head. "It's alright Pure Vanilla Cookie...this is more than enough..." they stared at the blooming flowers...reminded of the cookies that were lost...

"Are you...both alright?" Pure Vanilla asked, causing them to focus back on what they were doing. "We're fine." Wizard responded...

"If this is too much for the three of you...we can have a short interlude before the funeral..." Pure Vanilla suggested, Wizard cleared his throat. "We'll be fine...besides these will all be burnt to finish off the funeral..."

"Burn?" Pure Vanilla asked, to which Strawberry nodded. "It's...something we adapted where we were from really...you came from fire, you will leave with fire..." Pure Vanilla showed understanding from Strawberry's perspective...

Honestly not even they knew why the burials were made that way...

It's just a knowledge they gained the moment they came out of the Oven...how that worked...they didn't know...

Soon, it was time to check up on Gingerbrave...

Gingerbrave stared at the window again from the couch he was sitting on...

His eyes fixated in the peaceful view and the beautiful morning sky...

"It's so quiet today..."

"Will you be alright on your own?" Pure Vanilla asked, to which Gingerbrave nodded, returning his smile once more. "I think we'll be fine..." Gingerbrave tried not to sound disheartened...

"Gingerbrave...if you ever need to talk...you have friends that will listen..." Pure Vanilla spoke, giving him a reassuring pat on the shoulder. Gingerbrave nodded.

Soon Chili Pepper and Custard Cookie III arrived on the Hot Air Balloon...and the cookies of the Vanilla Kingdom waved goodbye...

Gingerbrave was quiet during the whole ride...his hair slightly blown by the soft breeze...

An uncharacteristic part of Gingerbrave...

"Hey." Wizard placed a hand on his shoulder.

"Are you okay?"

Gingerbrave continued to stare into the horizon.


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