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Gingerbrave grasped his head once he heard the name

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Gingerbrave grasped his head once he heard the name. "Gingebrave! Are you alright?!" Pure Vanilla exclaimed, placing his staff out in case the young ginger cookie was hurt and in need of healing. "I'm fine...I'm ok...I just..." Gingerbrave said before a loud thrumming sound made his fall to his knees and drop his cup, clenching his forehead... "I...think I need to lie down..." He said, before the sound faded...he got up slowly and while grasping his head, started to make his way home. "O-ok..." Pure Vanilla said placing a hand down after reaching for Gingerbrave. Both Ancients stared as Gingerbrave left the Blue Sage Tea Cup house.

"Did you see that?" Hollyberry asked nervously, Pure Vanilla only slowly nodded. "I did..."
"Looks like someone doesn't want us talking about them..."

"So even if we did try to tell Cookies...somehow...someway...GingerCandy shuts us up..." Hollyberry said "Like...he somehow does..."
"They were just as Magically gifted as me and White Lily Cookie's no surprise..." Pure Vanilla remarked. "However...I do believe the charm only works around the kingdom...outsiders and non-locals of the kingdom apparently aren't allowed to speak of him..." He suggested. "How can you tell?" Hollyberry asked curiously. "Because this symbol popped up afterwards...I recognize this spell...Locktar, A spell to keep quiet certain cookies of choosing..." Pure Vanilla answered, pointing to the symbol that resembled a mistletoe.

Meanwhile back with Gingerbrave who just arrived back at his house and immediately took to his bed. Sighing as the pain and dizziness subsided. He wanted to drift to sleep...wanted to relax...but the throbbing question hit his brain.

GingerCandy...A sixth Ancient...

There was a Sixth...they don't speak of them...why? Is there a reason...was it like White Lily Cookie? With Dark Enchantress Cookie? (I'm assuming they think they know White Lily is Dark Enchantress)

Did the Ancient go rouge? Did he become evil like Dark Enchantress Cookie? The question bounced like balls, his head was trying to sleep or answer questions. It hurt...he was a curious cookie after all...

Wait...who said that?
There was a voice just echo that was not his...and it sounded familiar?

There it was again! He jumped in a way he was sitting on his bed. He looked cookie was in the room...strange... then where did the voice come from? He flinched...there was no cookie around...then...was the voice... inside his head?

He turned was definitely in his head...he looked around for a bit...then went over to the mattress of the bed, pulling a key from underneath. He locked his room...and got his Cane. Then, an invisible force started moving the cane. "Woah!" He exclaimed as it suddenly pulled his body forward.


There it was...the voice, "Transpero?" What was that?


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