The Trial

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Finally unto the juicy stuff...
Tw: Talks about Religious belief
(Why here? Well cause someone actually states a verse here, that is within their beliefs)

3rd POV
"But I didn't steal the Soul Jam!" Gingerbrave exclaimed, the trial against him was inevitable. Accusations were pulled against him as he knelt in front of them. The trial was held at the Lyceum as time was of the essence and Gingerbrave was from a foreign if he could call a lawyer. "The evidence against you is damning! You're kingdom is filled with talented magicians, skilled fighters and even cookies who pray to a different divine! Plus the trust that you have earned from the Ancient Heroes might cover up and frame us for the theft in the first place." Elder Canele spoke. "Indeed! If it is true that the Cookies in White Masks follow the belief of a different god, then the only suspect are those of the Wizard believers!" Elder Vanilla Sugar accused. "How DARE you accuse our beliefs as justification of crimes we didn't commit?! Gingerbrave does mot even believe in the faith of the Wizards! He wasn't even born in Paradise!" GingerChoco chimed. "With all due respect, Elders, but it makes no sense to accuse Gingerbrave as the culprit...what would he gain by stealing the Soul Jam?" Wildberry remarked. "Yeah! Even King Pure Vanilla trusted him with his Soul Jam, he could've taken it for himself since his kingdom already had the research!" Crunchy Chip chimed in, jam boiling in his dough, how dare they accuse someone like Gingerbrave! "And let me remind you that the attempted robbery took place in this very city alone! We had just arrived today, the event happened a day before! How could he have pulled it off?!" GingerChoco asked questionably. "Hmph! That explanation could be answered, his allies arrived on the Airship with him, or they were informed in advance to follow the Airship! And handing over the research to them and taking it for themselves would seem too suspicious would it not? After all framing and plagiarism is what you Ginger Cookies do best!" Elder Custard accused as GingerChoco's jam boiled.

"YOU PRIDEFUL VANILLIANS! How DARE you accuse us for something that you can't take responsibility of?! You're so full of yourself! Can't even admit your own mistakes, for your own dystopian perfection!" GingerChoco ranted. "GingerChoco, please! I know you despise them but let's think rationally!" Gingerbrave warned holding GingerChoco back. "Think rationally?! My lord, they accuse you of theft and do not believe you because you look like a Ginger Cookie! When everyone in the kingdom knows you are a foreign cookie who has not lived within the forests of Paradise! These stereotypical Vanillians do not see anyone but themselves as 'Higher Class!' You've see the Lower City?! You saw how much dirtier and poorer they are?!" GingerChoco accused. "Cookies wandering down the streets, begging for money and food, getting injured, drinking unknown substances! There are barely any guards there! And let's not mention the lack of Sea-Faring Cookies in the Upper City! Look! Almost all of them are Vanillians! Two of them are Sea-Faring! It's obvious you, Egotistical Vanillians are colonizing them!" GingerChoco accused as the Vanillians felt insulted. "Oh you! Plain-headed Ginger Cookie! You and your unoriginal sense of dignity!" Elder Sable insulted. "That's enough! This is a trial, whether or not Gingerbrave is innocent or not..." Clotted Cream pointed out.

"The evidence is overwhelming, You are one of the cookies who knew the Soul Jam was coming here, you're kingdom's religion is different and even you have the power to frame us for the theft of the Soul Jam!" Clotted Cream accused. "Not to mention that we aren't sure if Pure Vanilla's claims are true, you only disoriented Dark Cacao with all of us combined, not to mention you nearly died having fought that golem" Clotted Cream pointed out, but in reality, Gingerbrave was overestimating himself when holding back...

"Well...uhm..." Gingerbrave couldn't defend himself...well...because he couldn't think of that he thinks about it...he is suspicious...but he didn't do it! The evidence is overwhelming...there's speculation but, it is enough of an accusation.

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