Tensions arise in the Republic

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3rd POV

Madeleine stared at the corpse of the Elder before him. Knowing that this will be the first step to detaining the cult of the St Pastry Order.

"Now...for the rest of them..." He vowed, taking himself accountable for taking down the whole order himself...

"What shall we do?! Now that the public knows of Madeleine's betrayal!" Elder Vanilla Sugar asked the Consul. "We must place the entire Republic on lockdown...whatever cult Elder Mille-Fuille served isn't going to be too happy about her assassination." Clotted Cream spoke, "How are you so sure that it is a cult?! You expect us to believe that Ginger Cookie and what he says?!" Elder Custard yelled, acting distrustful. "What's not to trust Elder Custard? The poor lad and his friend argued about their cult when we proved that she was guilty! If that was acting, I'd bite my jacket off just to say I was wrong." Captain Caviar replied to the concern of the Elder, who only scoffed. "It was as clear as day...the cult of Fortuna...or whatever other gods they serve is indeed a threat...and it has been since the dawn of time...whatever Madeleine's trying to do he clearly doesn't want it to associate with the cult." Clotted Cream says. "We must consult the two lords...they know their gods better than anyone..."

"That's the version you're telling them?" Wizard asked, Gingerbrave nodded, sitting on a chair beside the bed, Wizard furrowed his brow and sighed... "Ok...if that's what you're going for I guess..." Wizard said, playing with his fingers, Gingerbrave placed a hand on his shoulder. "You don't seem very thrilled..."

"I just...don't like having to lie to them anymore..." Wizard says, looking at Gingerbrave. "I know...but...we know what happened with Dark Enchantress Cookie and Clotted Cream when he found out about White Lily...I wouldn't want to risk that..." Gingerbrave says, Wizard took another look at him...and knew that he was right...if a cookie were to find out about their existence...everything they worked hard for would be toppled down...the peace that they fought for would be in vain... "Then, Foreign Cult survivors it is..." Wizard says...just then a knock was heard on the door and GingerChoco walked in. "My Lords...the Consul and the Elders of the Convocation wish to speak with you..." GingerChoco reported. "They told me that your presence is required at the Convocation immediately." He spoke. Gingerbrave looked at Wizard, mostly to ask if it was ok, Wizard nodded, grabbing his staff from the corner of the room and coming alongside Gingerbrave, while GingerChoco was summoned to the Institute....

"Consul..." Wizard says walking over to the table where the Elders would converse. "Sir Wizard Cookie and Sir Gingerbrave...welcome back to the Convocation...I assume that Gingerbrave has explained the situation of your sudden attack on Elder Mille-Feuille?" Clotted Cream asked. "I was..." Wizard replied bluntly, but gripped his staff, almost telling them he doesn't regret the attack. "Why are we here Clotted Cream?" Gingerbrave asked going in front of Wizard. "Well...since the death of Elder Mille-Fueille, the cult she used to run will be scouring the streets of the Republic...and as a results, the Cookies in White Masks might wage war on the Republic of the situation is left unresolved..." Clotted Cream explains. "And that regards us how?" Wizard asked, lifting his brow. "You have more knowledge than us about this cult...correct? What else can you tell us?" Elder Oyster spoke, Gingerbrave froze, knowing that the whole 'cult' thing was a lie...

Well...most of it...

"ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!" Wizard says, slamming his staff loudly. Causing Gingerbrave to flinch. "You can tell that, that was the most traumatic experience in our life, and you want us to reiterate the story?!" Wizard scolded. "This is for the best...the cult is now one of the biggest threats in the republic, we have to scan out any knowledge in its place" Clotted Cream says explaining his reasons. Wizard tsked. "How are we supposed to know? We only know their god, from the moment we were born we were made to be killed..." Wizard explained, still keeping up the whole 'Survivors of a Cult' story. Gingerbrave looked at him...wondering how he's able to keep this up compared to him who stood frozen...which could be a trauma response but it wasn't... "What exactly do you mean by that? We heard of cookies being born from ovens but...never in a way that you were..." Elder Sable spoke...they must be referring to the fact that when they were born they were never babies. "We were made in...a very 'special' oven...an oven that...brought cookies to life without the needs of whatever magic you perform..." Wizard spoke, after all, him, Gingerbrave and Strawberry Cookie...

Still don't know how babies are made in this world...

Like...some is that Cookies can get pregnant somehow? Some is just...like...the cookies just exist? And some they were born in the oven and some that they were born from the Sugar Swan???? Like seriously how are babies made in this world?!

"And that happened regardless of what the cookies form was...of course preferably...minors..." Wizard says, noting that the only one who was at least closer to adulthood was Dozer (ok he is CLOSE, but he's still considered a minor in this universe, everyone that escaped the oven is either 12-13 while Dozer was at least 14-16 in this timeline)

"We were made to be eaten...per say..." Gingerbrave spoke, shaking in his hands, remembering the memory of....


Wizard grasped his shoulder, seeing tears in his eyes, Gingerbrave didn't even realize it and wiped it off. "So this god is some sort of...monster...?" Clotted Cream iterated. "You could say that again...what kind of god brings their creations to life just to eat them?" Wizard says. "That's no god...that's a demon..." he says. "Are you done? Cause I'd rather not burst our trauma in front of egotistical posh cookies like yourselves!" Wizard insulted. "Wizard!" Gingerbrave scolded, to which he turned away from the Elders, Gingerbrave sighed "Thank you for having us, we'll take our leave..." he said, "I do apologize again...Sir Gingerbrave..." Clotted Cream says... "Ahem...and, I was unable to say this earlier...condolences for...your...brother..." Clotted Cream spoke, at this point Gingerbrave's back was already faced towards them...he paused for a bit...

Then looked back at him with a smile...

"It's alright...Clotted Cream..."

"Dozer would already be happy we survived at least..."

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