Investigation: Paladins POV

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3rd POV

Meanwhile, Madeleine and Financier arrived at the Academy to speak with Vanilla Sugar.

"AH! I used to train here everyday! This place is just like I remembered. My strict training regiment focused on whirling my cloak at a perfect angle!" Madeleine remarked twirling in response. "HA HA! Have you trained in cloak whirling too, Financier Cookie?" He asked even though Financier was sorta skeptical. "I do not understand why you have to keep up this act...what good comes of it?" Financier asked knowing Madeleine is more than just, Madeleine...he paused, his brows drooping slightly. " one wants a sad hero..." he informed, looking away from her, as Financier sympathized...indeed, in the Republic...looks were everything... "By the Divines, do my eyes deceive me? OH! Madeleine Cookie! The star Paladin of our Academy has returned!" Elder Vanilla Sugar exclaimed. "Greetings, Elder Vanilla Sugar Cookie." Financier greeted, as Madeleine regained posture. "Welcome home, Financier Cookie. Your mission abroad was no small feat." Elder Vanilla Sugar informed her. " The Divines have graced you. Their Celestial light has surely aided your endeavors. Join me in prayer! Let us thank the Divines for their blessings!" She says as they all cup their hands. "May all who devote this prayer to the Divine Light remain crispy and fresh." Madeleine spoke. "May all who devote this prayer to the Divine Light remain crispy and fresh." Financier repeats as well. "To share this prayer with the two of you... It brings a tear to my eyes." Elder Vanilla Sugar spoke actually wiping a tear. "This prayer holds a great role in history. The founding of the Republic was a time of confusion, of hunger. But the Divines blessed us with sunlight and Jellies, helping us build what we see today. And you, as warriors who adhere to the light's commands, must continue to act with pride and purpose!" She explained, "And, not to forget, your role in helping the research on Soul Jam must also be completed." She subtly hinted she wanted to know what is happening. "According to Espresso Cookie, the analysis and research are well underway!" Madeleine explained on behalf of Espresso. "Elder Vanilla Sugar Cookie, we approach with the utmost respect and caution but... There is something you must know." Financier spoke, already going to bluntly ask. "The Soul Jam has been targeted by a group of unknown Cookies. They have already attempted to steal it and nearly succeeded." She spoke as Vanilla Sugar's eyes widened. "What?! How... how could such accursed actions be committed?" She asked horrified. "We are seeking your guidance, Elder. Your knowledge and wisdom may aid us in identifying these Cookies." Financier says subtly...knowing how smart Vanilla Sugar can get. "Alas child, I cannot provide wisdom on matters I have no knowledge of. I've yet to hear such news or details on this..." she informed as Financier looked disappointed. "But why are you asking me, I wonder? Are you suspecting me of committing such a disgraceful act?" She suspects as Madeleine was quick to concur. "N-n-no! Of course not! Elder Vanilla Sugar Cookie, you are the foremost expert on our city's history from beginning to present. We are simply asking for your insight!" Madeleine said knowing full well how to calm the Head of the Academy. "HMPH! Well, that could have turned out awkward, indeed." She remarked scoffing. "But look around you! Our Republic is perfect! Our Cookies do not even litter." She says as the realization hits her. "In fact...that Ginger Cookies...I remember, worshipped a god unlike any other." She remarked reminiscing the past. "They worshipped the Divines they call 'The Wizards' or 'The Jewel Gods' perhaps that Ginger Cookie who arrived here might have something to do with it." She suspects as they both looked at each other worriedly. "But! Whoever did this regardless if they are not of Republican, To engage in such heinous deeds and crimes... The Divines will surely bring retribution upon them." She stated. "The pursuit of them is not your business. Completing research on the Soul Jam must come first! Understand?" She ordered as she huffed away with he sheep. "Phew... Well-known is Elder Vanilla Sugar's temper... I'm glad we got out of there early." Madeleine remarked. "This is worrying...she suspects Gingerbrave might be the one responsible...but...even so, it does not make sense..." Madeleine says. "Gingerbrave has a good relationship with the Ancient Heroes and even helped them out! What does he gain from taking the Soul Jam?" He says as Financier doubts. "But the evidence is clearly damning..." Financier explained. "What...whatever do you mean?" Madeleine asks concerned. "Think about it...The moment he arrives the city is suddenly in danger, he recognizes the golems that were attacking the city and he and the Princess of the Ginger Kingdom, had some sort of plan with the Soul Jam as the faction hid the research that could revolutionize the world as we know it." Financier explained as Madeleine noticed the stakes... "Plus...We've seen a sample on what the Ginger Fighters look like...they wear cloaks-" "But the cloaks on the cookies with White Masks are also White" Madeleine interrupted. "But they follow a divine faith...perhaps the cloaks were a stylistic choice to commemorate that." Financier spoke. "But what about the times he's saved Earthbread?! You can't tell me that was untrue?" He asks shocked. "Exactly...A random cookie with no specialty at all, somehow saves Earthbread and gets contribution from the Ancients? Definitely suspicious." She replied. "With that added bonus, the Ancient Heroes trust him a lot...and the Republic, less, so what happens if Gingerbrave were to steal the Soul Jam in the streets of the republic?" She asks Madeleine as he was shocked at what she was implying. "They wouldn't suspect him at all...the cookies in White Masks don't look like Ginger Cookies...and they'd blame the Republic..." Madeleine answered hesitantly...

"It's a lead...but we cannot make assumptions yet..." Financier explained walking further away. "Let's go..." she says...

Madeleine paused for a moment contemplating...he knows for a fact that Gingerbrave is a Soul Jam wielder...

He has no reason to steal the other Soul Jam...right?

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