The past

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3rd POV

"Hey there!"

"I noticed you were sitting alone there...mind if I join you?"

"That's a no then..."


"Hey...what's your name?"
"My name?"

"What do you call yourself?"


"I don't have a name..."

"What do you mean?"

"I don't know what to name myself...everyone else seem so...unique compared to me..."



"Why don't I give you a name then?"
"You can do that?"

"Yeah! I's better than calling you 'nameless' that just sounds mean..."




"What would be a good name for you...?"


"How about...Gingerbrave?"

"Yep! Gingerbrave! Just like me! My name's Dozer, I named myself that way because of my hat!"

"But...I'm not...brave?"

"Course you are! You escaped an oven!"
"But...that was because I was afraid..."

"It's better to be afraid than to be foolish...that's what true bravery is..."

"If you have the will to defy those who oppress you, but do it by running away...that's still bravery in its finest..."

"After're not listening to what they demand right?"

"Come on...let's join the others! We're gonna think of a plan to escape from here!"

Gingerbrave's POV
I...don't really remember much of my life in the oven...

I heard that if you're traumatized enough...your mind tends to forget certain details...but...

I remember that half the time...I would usually be by the hand with Dozer...

The cookies remember me being super reality I was scared of my own mind of my own first impression...

A scaredy cat.

A fraud hiding behind a false name...

A coward

For the longest time...I hid behind my own brother...and admired his ambition...

He calculated...he could think of a strategy once he learned the facts...

I for selfish...

'I want all of us to survive this place' 'I want to live in a world where we could all be free!'

What kind of mentality is that?! There's no way all 20 of us would've survived that ordeal!

I pushed him to that stupid stupid ambition...I was stupidly thinking with my heart and that naive sense of justice...

Not everything will be like that...

Now because of me...they're all gone...

I still remember that night in the Oven...I still remember how each of you died...I still remember the screams...the terror in their eyes...and I just ran...

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