Madeleine's backstory

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Small intermission and explanation for Madeleine's personality.

As you can see in the latest chapter, and chapters from previous events, Madeleine's personality is quite different from the original, though he does still keep his narcissistic persona, Madeleine's genuine care for cookies in odyssey is more fleshed out in this AU, revealing itself in a more offensive light than in the original.

Multiple changes included:
-Madeleine's knowledge of the Sixth Ancient, which is something not heavily discussed by Clotted Cream in later chapters after revealing he knew the history despite the fact that Clotted Cream's presumed house 'House Custard' is directly involved with Pure Vanilla Cookie due to one of the House's relatives being the Premier.

-Madeleine's hesitation to use the Soul Jam to further research the power of it, now it is revealed that Madeleine follows the faith of the Divine but is also conflicted in following the faith of the Jewel Gods, it would make sense he would be conflicted on giving away the Soul Jam willingly.

-Madeleine's more protective and serious side giving light unlike the original only revealing itself when trying to convince his mother to use the family's airship

But what is the reason for the sudden change? Well for starters, I'd like to give an explanation.

And that is with GingerCandy being added into history, the Lore of the Kingdom may differ, in some ways or not.

I wanted to give more consequences or more changes to the World Building since GingerCandy has been added to the World's History, I've already given brief flashbacks on what happened during the Dark Flour War and what might've changed, as well as how GingerCandy ended up dying and the lore of Gingerbrave's Kingdom, but in the end, even after all that, there appeared to be no other consequences done.

Sure: Gingerbrave's Kingdom has changed drastically due to the combination and collab with the Ginger Cookie's advancement in magic and has expanded quite a lot due to the fact that Paradise was shielded enough for more Ginger Cookies to reproduce and build a civilization without GingerCandy's influence, sure there's a more potent, easier and powerful way the replicate Soul Jam, sure Gingerbrave's more politically inclined and present during trading discussions and there's a new government in the Time Kingdom, but that only affects the kingdom of Gingerbrave and co. The rest seem to stay the same, like I mentioned that Dark Cacao Kingdom still went normally, it's just that Gingerbrave was wearing a cape the whole time and the cold was bearable.

Dark Cacao Kingdom had no consequences or change
Hollyberry Kingdom still had no change
The Vanilla Kingdom can't have changed whatsoever.
And the Republic still exists because no Ancient new jack shit about it and it was founded after the Dark Flour War.

And since for the time being most of the cookies are next generation, technically from the Ancient's time, I decided to change one thing.

Madeleine Cookie.

The one cookie who respects both the Republic and the Ancient Heroes (Espresso seemingly doesn't respect anyone, but that's just because he values logic over emotional attachment, that something I've noticed) The Elders don't seem to give enough respect to the Ancient Heroes technically? Like that's something I've also noticed, because they be talkin smack about them and telling 'Oh we have the right to the Soul Jam because we are descendants of the Vanilla Kingdom' like- No- stop god you do not have any rights. (Can you see my dislike for most of the Elders? Caviar is best Elder, but almost all of them are little shits)

I noticed that in Odyssey, Madeleine doesn't seem to take in his own opinion sometimes, sure he's narcissistic, but most of the time he doesn't seem to make the hardest decisions for himself, and in a way he was technically in both sides, Espresso didn't hesitate to try and convince the Ancients to use the Soul Jam, but he did, he hesitated. But he had a reputation to protect and honestly that's what most of the Republic cares about and that's basically understandable in his case, he was raised in the lap of luxury with 3 Aunts babying him every two seconds and living in an environment where you have to keep up appearances or else be damned.

And that sparked an idea~

Lil' ol me decided, Hey why not give this guy more light?

And so I did...

And so, as a consequence for adding GingerCandy to the world I decided to add Madeleine's backstory in a way...

Madeleine's wealth comes from his mother who is renowned hero of the Republic, evidence by the statue of her literally in the middle of the city. But her combat skills come from her own Mother who was a member of GingerCandy's Kingdom, the Biscuit Guard. The Old Royal Guard of the Ginger Kingdom.

Though they were not called 'Paladins' they definitely somewhat acted like one, following the beliefs of the Jewel Gods, Madeleine's Grandfather however, was a Paladin in a sense, when the Old Vanilla Kingdom was still in tact, leaving and fleeing the place only because he was concerned for what might've happened to his wife.

Making Madeleine only Part Vanillian, which was his Grandfather's side, his Grandmother was more of Biscuit in a sense (inspired by the debate whether or not Madeleine's were cakes or cookies, I decided 'biscuit' cause technically cookies are mostly flavored in a sense)

The Couple respected each other's beliefs and never once did their religious beliefs get a hold of them, though it did cause complications, specifically for Madeleine. Now, even though almost all his relatives such as his own Mother and Aunts have followed the beliefs of the Divine, Madeleine originally followed the beliefs of the Jewel Gods or the Wizardry Believers (I need a better name) yes Madeleine originally believed in another faith, it wasn't the Divine at first and honestly, he chose to be a member of the Phoenix Order, but...

Even though his mother respects that he believes in another god, she could not teach him in the art of combat, sure his grandmother, when she was alive, still could (Grandfather passed first) his grandmother was growing far too old to even bend her body properly, so the solution was to send him to Paladin Academy, where his faith on the Jewel Gods was kept a secret, because Witches knows what might happen if the Elders find out. Though that decision might've started the complications...

Specifically when he was chosen by the Divine Light.

Now that's when his beliefs start to conflict, because he was chosen by the Light, he believed that he should practice that faith at last, but it gave him a huge dilemma in his life. Whether or not to believe in the faith and protect the Sixth, or to follow the Light and become a True Paladin.

Of course, he never addressed these problems, and that's only because, he wasn't sure what cookies might think or his Mother and Aunts.

As much as I said they respect that he believes in a different faith, him being sent to a Paladin school and being chosen by the Divine Light did not translate too well...

Eventually he learned to internalize things and become the light the Republic wants him to be...

While using his beliefs on the Wizards in the shadows...

He believes that the part of him that joined the Phoenix Order must be kept in the shadows of the republic, after all, the republic sees the Paladin as the Light, not the Vigilante...


Will that last long?

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