The Aftermath

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Gingerbrave's POV
It had been a few weeks...or probably a month...who am I kidding? I can't even tell haha! Anyways, it's been a while since that incident...a lot has happened...

I mean...a WHOLE LOT!

To recap, After we were teleported back to the cookie kingdom, we were able to welcome back the old residents of this kingdom. They were kept safe and surprisingly there were no casualties.

Alrhough, GingerCandy had to erase Pure Vanilla and Hollyberry's memories of it...for reasons I don't know yet...

GingerCandy was able to explain who he was...the Sixth Ancient...the one who was lost in the war...he explained that it was better off if no one knew of his existence or if he even existed...we understood that...after all Dark Enchantress Cookie was after all the Soul Jams...after he teleported Hollyberry and Pure Vanilla to respected kingdoms and well, erased everyone else's memories of them ever meeting, we in the (Insert your Kingdom's name) kingdom...promised we'd keep him a secret.

"Very well...then...there's something else I must tell you...GingerPeach..." GingerCandy spoke in a...very serious tone...I knew what was about to happen...I didn't want to step in...I told the others not to as well... "GingerPeach...honey...I...I am dead..." he spoke solemnly...putting a hand on her head and sliding it down to reach her cheek. "I have been dead...for the past years...Gingerbrave has been bringing back my spirit, using the new cane I have gifted him...I am so sorry...I cannot stay long..." GingerCandy spoke tears as they told his daughter. GingerPeach smiled. "I know...I'm your daughter...after all..." GingerPeach spoke tears coming out of her eyes as well, she hugged her father tightly, it won't be the last hug, but Me and GingerCandy don't even know how long I can keep him in the realm of the living or even how long the spell lasts. They departed soon was hard...but became easier...bittersweet.

After a few days there was bargaining, it was about who would rule the kingdom. Additionally, as much as everyone understands this kingdom is a leaderless kingdom, well...apparently Ginger Cookies cannot survive without a leader. That's just how different their dough is made. Unlike me and GingerPeach, who can handle ourselves. Other Ginger Cookies weren't baked that way. The Ginger Fighters could, but only because of numerous spells placed on them to help them fight, and usually, they use sneaking around places to get an advantage in battle. I understand really...I mean...I was accidentally made by the witch and well, she was...

How are baby cookies born here?

Anyway, in the end, we decided upon something, instead of a leaderless kingdom, we were now a shared leadership kingdom, GingerPeach, who's the official princess of the old kingdom and me, Wizard, Strawberry, Chili Pepper and Custard, the founders of the new kingdom. So that's something new...and boy...being a leader is hard work! How does Chili Pepper get away with it? Wizard's super into it though...

Maybe GingerPeach is just being hard on me cause I did explain I absorbed GingerCandy's Soul Jam...

Now when we are alone she calls me 'her father's heir' and I don't know how I feel about that...but of course, GingerCandy can help me out since I can still summon him...I still don't know how long it lasts though...

Which brings us to...


I'm not sure how I got dragged into this...

"You want me to join the Council?!" I spoke in surprise as everyone spoke. "Please Gingerbrave, Wizard Cookie and I will be working out the expansion problems and other businesses in the kingdom, Custard's still a child, Strawberry is far too shy to attend a meeting as important as this and Chili Pepper will rob anyone who enters!" GingerPeach pointed out her claims. "Hold on, why can't you go?" I asked curiously. "They will not be familiar with me, and it is very rude to attend a meeting only with your representative." GingerPeach pointed out. "She has a point Gingerbrave, since Pure Vanilla and Hollyberry's memories were erased, they will not know who GingerPeach even is...even if she says she is from this kingdom, it would be hard for her to argue with them." Wizard Cookie explained. "I can't go cause I have business to do here, ruling a kingdom isn't easy really..." He explained further. "Then the only representative is you! Go forth! Attend the council for your king!" Custard Cookie III spoke as if it was already decided...

And with that I was dragged into going to the council...

By myself...

It was easier when you have a horse too...GingerPeach has been teaching me...she's really getting into 'my father's heir' thing huh?

I arrived at the Vanilla Kingdom, I haven't seen this place in a while! Haha! This should be fun! "Look! It's Gingerbrave!" One of the villagers spoke showing the others. "Hi everyone! How have you all been?" I asked as they all ran over to me. "Great! Great! Here in the Vanilla Kingdom we have plenty of jellies!" He remarked in joy, gesturing it. "Yeah! And the houses don't fall apart in the middle of the day anymore!" Another villager said feeling relieved. "All thanks to Pure Vanilla Cookie! He's been very kind to us!"

"That's amazing news! Do you all know where he is right now?" I asked curiously, I did want to speak with Pure Vanilla before the Council starts...if you're asking how I know already, well, ever since it was announced we had a shared leadership, Pure Vanilla sent a letter that was a little well...blunt...hehe... "Look in the outdoor gardens in the castle grounds! You can ask Black Raisin Cookie for help!" The villager directed, pointing to the castle. "Awesome! Thanks, Catch ya'll later!" I spoke with a smile and waved at them, heading to the castle grounds...

My first time seeing the newly rebuilt Vanilla Castle...hah!

Wonder what adventures await me in the council?

(They did go to the Dark Cacao Kingdom, but the story there remains exactly the same, GingerPeach just stayed behind to manage the Kingdom)

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