As the tide turns in.

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3rd POV
"So...Paradise in in danger...the Ancients are alive and he entrusted you to save it?" GingerPeach remarked, wondering why the heck would her father allow a Ginger kid and his friends to do this? "We defeated the forces of Dark Enchantress Cookie before! We can handle it!" Gingerbrave answered, GingerPeach's eyes widened. "You?! That was you?!" GingerPeach said shocked, Gingerbrave chuckled. "You?! A completely ordinary Ginger Cookie?!" GingerPeach asked still in shocked. "I'm no ordinary cookie!" Gingerbrave spoke "Besides unlike you, I was born in the Witch's Oven." He remarked as GingerPeach grabbed him by the shoulders. "THAT'S NOT THE POINT! You, and your friends, have done something that is equivalent to my whole battalion! And you're here all fine and dandy?!" GingerPeach remarked. "Unless...are you...a gifted one?" She asked, Gingerbrave pushed her back. "Heh! Not sure about that...but we better get back, they're probably wondering what we're doing..." Gingerbrave spoke. Walking away. "Wait!" GingerPeach demanded, reaching out to him.

"There you both are, what were you two doing?" Wizard Cookie asked. He yelped when GingerPeach latched her arms unto his shoulders. "How many spells do you know?! Did you really thwart Dark Enchantress Cookie's forces?! Did all of you do it?!" GingerPeach asked. "Woah, what?!" Wizard Cookie said in confusion. "Gingerbrave, what did you say to her?!" He exclaimed as Gingerbrave chuckled nervously. "I told her about our adventures." He answered. "Is it true what he said?! You defeated Dark Enchantress' forces?!" She asked, her curiosity going over the roof. "Your majesty, forgive me're kinda..." GingerPearl remarked, putting a hand on GingerPeach's shoulder. "Oh, um...right *ahem*...My...My apologies..." GingerPeach said regaining posture. " excited..." She remarked posture now turning nervous.

"Well that's one trait that she inherited from GingCandy..." Pure Vanilla and Hollyberry remarked internally to themselves. As the night rolled in...everyone went to sleep...

Apart from Gingerbrave...

The poor cookie couldn't sleep for some reason, so he went outside, hoping he'd doze off...he sat outside the campsite and stared into the stars...they always appealed him, fascinated a world full of sweets, he could actually see the stars...and they were pretty...very pretty...

But then, as he stared off into the moon...

He saw a shadow fly past it...

Cautiously he grabbed his candy cane in defense... "Calm yourself...I don't mean you harm..." Gingerbrave looked at the direction the voice was coming from...and saw Wind Archer Cookie...what was he doing in the woods? How was he here? Did he follow them?

"How's your journey so far?" Wind Archer asked, curiously, causing Gingerbrave to tilt his head in confusion. But he shrugged it off, knowing Wind Archer would never mean to hurt anyone... "It's been going well...We'll be heading to Paradise anytime soon..." Gingerbrave spoke gleefully. Wind Archer pulled his head down. "Is that so? Good for you then..." Wind Archer remarked, going nowhere near the cookie. "How is...GingerCandy?" Wind Archer asked, Gingerbrave's expression turned into two different versions of shocked and confused. Wind Archer knew GingerCandy? How? Barely any of the Ancients met the Legends so...this was a rare sight...but he answered nonetheless. "He's health and dough!" He spoke in a cheerful yet quiet tone...raising his cane in the air. "Hmm...then everything's in order..." Wind Archer remarked, causing another confused look from Gingerbrave. Wind Archer sighed then looked to Gingerbrave. "You should be resting, child..." He spoke, looking at Gingerbrave. "Oh yeah...I couldn't sleep...for some reason..." Gingerbrave spoke, sitting down on the ground, Wind Archer stared, then went over to sit beside him. "What are you doing? Gingerbrave asked. "Accompanying you till you take your rest, child..." Wind Archer spoke looking to the stars as well. Gingerbrave shrugged, mind was still tired and couldn't process why Wind Archer would stay a while...they both stared at the stars, mind wandering as they sat there...

"You remind me of him..." Wind Archer spoke after a few minutes of silence...Gingerbrave chuckled. "His daughter said so too..." he spoke, arms hugging his legs. Wind Archer stared at Gingerbrave for a bit...wondering how lucky this Ginger Cookie was...but continued to look at the stars afterwards...

After a few moments, Gingerbrave fell asleep...falling into Wind Archer's lap, as he payed no attention...Wind Archer simply waited until he was in deep sleep and carried him back to the tent...

"Goodnight, Candy..."

Gingerbrave woke up in his tent the next day...wondering if what he saw last night was him being half-asleep that time... "Morning..." GingerChoco spoke eating a jelly. "Good morning..." Gingerbrave said with a half-yawn. He began to stand up and leave the tent, judging by the jellies, the others were probably having breakfast...

They left soon after breakfast, scanning the forests in order to head there early...Gingerbrave walked over to GingerPeach to ask her something. "Hey, has Wind Archer ever show himself to you?" He whispered, not wanting to tell the others. Which was pointless, because GingerPeach was at the very front of the group, far from the rest. "Yeah, he does that...Ginger Cookies tend to keep themselves up at night, due to our dough not being as strong as the great Cacao Warriors or GingerCandy himself, We aren't accustomed to the beasts of the such, the legend protects us till we head to bed..." GingerPeach explains, fasting her cape. "But...why? I thought he was busy protecting the Millennial Tree?" Gingerbrave asked curiously. "...Paradise resides near Millennial City..." GingerPeach explained, rubbing the back of her neck... "Well, that explains a lot!" He exclaimed, GingerPeach looked into his eyes, passion, determination and curiosity filled the young adventurous cookie...she sighed... "You're such a child..." She spoke. Causing Gingerbrave to feel insulted. "Hey! At least I'm still alive and kicking for a Ginger Cookie!" Gingerbrave exclaimed, gaining a small laugh from GingerPeach...

Wizard and Strawberry silently declared that both GingerPeach and Gingerbrave look like siblings...

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