chapter 3

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My eyes groggily opened from my sleep. I saw Grey with his eyes closed, looking at him right now made me realize his features: his skin is a cream-white tone with no scars and calluses at all, while his hair is wheat-coloured. His eyes are golden-tinged with some blue, his body thin like an athlete. Looking at him made me start to wonder what other parts of his body looked like, causing me to blush hot red realizing the lewd thought I had just had.

I threw my cover over my head in embarrassment. My face was still bright red from what I had just thought. "I don't have a crush on Grey," I thought over and over again while trying to calm myself. I looked up from my cover to see Grey's shining golden eyes looking right into my own, causing my face to heat up again.

"Morning," He spoke, returning to his old cold voice that showed little emotions, though with my keen hearing I could hear a bit of emotion in his voice which was a nice thing to hear.

"We don't know what the actual time is princess," Regis said, sticking his head through the door of the tent, causing Grey to punch him in the snout. "Ow! That hurt!" Regis yelled, covering his snout with his paws.

"Then don't make snarky remarks," Grey said, turning around and starting to roll up his sleeping roll. I followed suit, getting out of my roll and rolling it up. Once we did that we took down the tent which didn't take that long.

"Alright we should get moving now," Grey said as he turned around to leave.

"Um, Gr-Arthur, what do I call you now?" I asked, causing him to stop moving and stand there motionless for a couple of seconds. '

"You can call me whatever you want," He said, as he continued on to the next room.

"I'll continue to call you Arthur then," I smiled as I ran up to him, as if he got too far ahead of me he would leave me in the dust.

Inside the next area of this zone, we were in a large room with trees scattered around the land with them not being too close for them to make a dense forest, but close enough that the branches were wrapping around each other like the trees were giving each other hugs. We walked around for a bit but didn't find any beasts, which was odd, as we would usually find a couple after a bit of walking around, but instead, we still haven't seen any trace of animal life.

We were deep enough in the Relictombs for us to not find any civilization of Alacryans, so that means we should be finding beasts every couple of minutes, but instead it has been soundless, with the only sounds we've heard were the sounds of fallen leaves crunching beneath our feet.

"Hey, don't you find this odd? We should've found something already, but it's been so quiet," I whispered to Arthur, who seemed to be looking around equally confused as I am.


As the princess and Caera fell asleep inside the tent I started to walk around the room looking up at the runes engraved into the walls. I may not be the smartest at this stuff, but looking at Arthur's memories has taught me a good amount about how most Aether runes work. These runes were completely different from any Aether runes. It was almost like they were connected to something, as when I followed where they went they all ended up at the entrance of this room, leading underground. At first, I wanted to dig up the ground and figure out where they went, but then decided it would be too much of a waste of time.

They were still asleep when I finished my research so I went over and peeked my head into the tent to see Caera still asleep, but Arthur was awake. 'Hey, how are you doing?' I asked him, through our mental link not wanting to wake up Caera.

'Not so good, I can't get the thought out of my head' he responded, sounding sad and depressed. 'I don't know what to think, I had just killed my daughter. I was a fool who didn't listen to what Sylvia had said. She had told me that Asura's can't be in the Relictombs, but I still tried to bring Sylvie back inside the Relictombs, which had caused her death,' he said, tears appearing in his eyes, banging on the door to be met free.

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