Chapter 39

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Arthur Leywin:

"Come In," I said, walking over to the door and opening it, revealing Cynthia Goodsky. "Hello Director," I smiled, opening the door completely, allowing her access to the room.

"Hello Arthur, it's good to see you again,'" Cynthia smiled, walking inside the room.

"Hello Feyrith, I have something to talk to your roommate about. Could you please fetch us some tea" Cynthia asked, getting a slight bow from Fefey before he rushed off.

"So,what do you want to talk about?" I asked, pulling up some chairs for the both of us.

"Straight to the point as always," Cynthia chuckled, sitting down on one of the chairs I brought over. "Well first I must ask, you've seemed to have changed. Mind telling me what happened?" Cynthia asked, giving me a sharp glare.

"Oh, my beast will seemed to have too powerful, so it messed with my body, causing it to change a bit, like how I have golden streaks in my hair, or that my skin is paler than it should be," I explained, getting an odd look from Cynthia, but it soon returned to a small smile.

"That isn't exactly what I meant, but it is good enough for now. Anyways, I am here as I have an offer for you," Cynthia said, Feyfey walking back into the room with two cups of tea.

"Your roommate is already a part of this group called the disciplinary committee, and I want you to also join," Cynthia smiled, placing her cup on the table beside her.

"I am a first year, and a scholar-mage no less, do I even qualify to join the group?" I asked, already knowing the answer, but needed to act so that Cynthia doesn't get suspicious.

"Eh, my school, my rules," Cynthia said, causing me and Feyfey to chuckle.

"Alright, I'm not gonna accept this without getting something out of it," I said, leaning forward in my chair.

"Oh, I guess I should've expected this. So, what do you want?" Cynthia asked.

"I want to be placed in some upperclassmen classes, more preferably battle tactics along with some deviant classes and a training room that's filled with rich mana," I said, getting a nod from Cynthia who seemed to have expected this.

"Everything is already done," Cynthia smiled, pulling out two Disciplinary Committee uniforms and giving one to both Feyfey and I.

"I've already taken the liberty of getting a disciplinary committee uniform tailored to both of you," Cynthia said, opening the door. "Oh and Arthur, I've also taken the liberty of adding Caera into the same upperclassmen classes," Cynthia added, shutting the door before I could ask why.

'Damn old hag, why is she still so confusing?' I thought, wishing Regis was around so that I had something to kick.

"Wanna go get some food? I'm starving and I haven't eaten since this morning," Feyfey said, walking over to the door.

"Sure, I'm pretty hungary too," I said, following behind Feyfey.

We walked around the campus to the cafeteria. We spent a good amount of the time telling jokes and laughing about our encounters in Zestier. We arrived at the cafeteria, once inside we grabbed some trays and walked over to a line where we could get some food.

'Papa, papa, I need meat to fuel my majesticness,' Sylvie said, running around my legs, looking like a kid cracked up on sugar.

'Yes Sylvie, you'll get some meat,' I told her, causing Sylvie to jump around, acting like a child who was just told they could get a new toy.

Feyfey had gotten a good amount of vegetables and a tiny bit of meat on his plate. I had gotten a lot of meat, while half of it Sylvie was going to steal, but I should get some to eat.

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