Chapter 79

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After we stepped out of the academy gate we started to make our way to the teleportation gate that is controlled by the adventuring guild. As if we want to go to the Beast-Glades that would be the best option to go to.

Walking through the streets of Xyrus there weren't many people out and about. Since most people were still afraid from the attack and living in fear of another happening, they chose not to venture outside of their homes.

Caera let out a small sigh as she shook her head. Not liking to see this. I can see why. It was her continent that attacked the academy. Sure, she may have casted them away. She was still born there and it is impossible to remove that fact about her.

Soon reaching the area where the adventure guild was located we put on our adventurer masks. While mine was still in good condition there was a crack running across Caera's from when Lucas attacked her.

Walking inside the adventurer guild we walked up to the front desk and showed the woman behind the desk our adventurers cards. She gave us a small nod before clicking a button and allowing us access to where the teleportation gate is.

Walking up we also showed the guards our adventurer cards and they allowed us access into the Beast-Glades. Giving them a small nod we walked through the teleportation gate.

I still wasn't used to the feeling, not even after all this time I could still not get used to it. The feeling of my stomach twisting as I walked through the gate it brought us to the Beast-Glades.

"We're back! Where do you want to go?" Caera exclaimed looking around the area, scanning for anything to do. Removing the masks on our face as we walked into the forest in front of the teleportation gate, getting away from eye sight.

"Well, I would say we should go straight to the lab. But we had found that with Lance Aya. She had most likely told the Council. So that place is most likely under control of the Council. We won't be able to just waltz right in there and look around," I explained, placing my hands on my forehead as I thought about what we could do.

"Maybe we should get some information on that area. Maybe we could figure out when they are leaving or something like that," Caera said. Thinking about that wouldn't be a bad idea.

"Yes, but if they had already left everything will be gone. We can't exactly let them take everything. I mean what will we do if they end up grabbing everything? It would be a waste of time going there," I explained, placing my hand on my chin as I started to think about what we could do.

"Well I think we should at least try and get some info on that area. I mean it would be useful. If we can find someone that could give us supplies and information that would be perfect!" Caera explained. Regis jumped out of her body and Sylvie jumped off the top of my head.

"Like Alric!" Regis said, his tongue hanging out of his mouth as if he was a dog.

"Alric, your uncl- You lied to me!" Caera yelled, looking at me with an annoyed look while I glared at Regis for adding that information. "Alric wasn't your uncle! Just some random guy you met!" Caera yelled.

"What could I tell you? It was the only thing I could come up with for a lie!" I said, Caera pouting her checks as I just let out a sigh.

"Alright, let's go," I said, turning around and starting to walk away. "Um Arthur. Where are we going? It's not like there is a place where we could go to get the information we need," Caera pointed out. I stopped in my walk as I let out a small chuckle as I scratched the back of my head.

"Um, forgot about that part," I said sheepishly, only to receive a sigh from Caera as she walked over to me.

"Alright, then we need to figure out where we can get information like that. I can't think you remember the small details like that," Caera chuckled while I gave her a small nod in agreement.

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