Chapter 78

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Eleanor Leywin:

My brother came home! We had expected him to not come home for a long time. But here he was, walking in with only a day after he was taken by the Council. I was excited, now I can spend time with my older brother!

I wanted to go play with him straight away, but my brother said he wanted to talk with mom and dad alone. I was hoping at least Caera would want to play with me, but she went with Arthur, mom and dad. I thought maybe I could as well, but they didn't let me.

'If they won't let me listen, I'll just listen forcefully,' I thought, walking up to the door of Arthur's room and pressing my ear on it as I started to listen to their conversation.

At first, I was confused by the conversation. What does Arthur mean about being brought from another world? As Arthur continued to explain what he meant I couldn't help but think it was awesome.

There were so many things that we can't even comprehend. So many questions I wanted to ask him. All the cool things that went on in his old world. Who wouldn't want to ask questions about that and find it cool?

When Arthur said that he was a king I felt my body become gitty. My brother has always been awesome, this life and his last. He ruled over an entire continent. That's something the kings and queens here didn't even do!

As Arthur finished his explanation I wanted to open the door and ask hundreds of questions. But then I started to hear mom scream and cry. She yelled terrible and undeserving things at Arthur.

My body was too shocked to walk in and stop her. Too scared to yell at them to stop. My mother, the kindest and nicest person I know, was yelling at my brother. Her own son!

For what? Something he couldn't control! It wasn't Arthur's fault that he was here. He even said that he didn't know what happened!

Not wanting to hear my parents continue to yell at Arthur for something he couldn't control, I turned around and ran towards my room. Jumping into my bed and started to cry.

How could my mother be so cruel? How could she do that to someone who was her own son? Why didn't father defend brother? Does he also hate him now?

All these questions started to cloud my mind as I cried onto my pillow. It became damper and damper as I cried into it. How could this happen? We were so happy, but now we are torn apart. All because mom and dad can't see how this isn't Arthur's fault.

After a while, I heard the door open to the room. I didn't want to see who it was as I just stayed in my bed. After a while, the door shut. Once the door had shut I started to cry again.

Claire Bladeheart:

I sat there shocked. Watching Caera, my best friend leave the room. Leaving for who knows how long.

She had just told me a secret, a secret she hasn't told anyone. She was from the other continent. Was she an enemy? I mean they just attacked our academy. They had just killed students and released mana-beasts. Doradrea was killed because of the other continent and Curtis betrayed our continent.

And now I learn that my best friend. My roommate is also from the other continent. I mean, how am I supposed to feel about that? Should I hate her? Should I report her to the Council for being a traitor? Or should I trust her? Trust her that she isn't from the enemy continent.

No, Caera is my best friend, she is someone I should trust and keep her secret safe. If she thinks that I am someone she can trust to keep her secret safe then I'll keep it safe. That's what friends are for, right?

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