Chapter 50

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Arthur Leywin:

After Tess ran away I contemplated chasing after her, but in the end I thought I would end up hurting her if I did. As much as possible I'm trying to change my answer. I continued on my walk, trying to clear my mind on what had just happened. While doing so I ran into Caera.

"Hey Caera," I smiled, walking over to her. She seemed to also be on a walk as well.

"Hello Arthur, how has your day been?" Caera asked.

"It's been okay I guess," I said, not really wanting to tell her about the Tess thing that just happened.

"Alright. So, why are you walking around? Do you have a destination in mind?" Caera asked, leaning into my chest and resting her back on me.

"Well, originally I didn't, but I think I have a place where we can go," I said, walking towards the building of the academy, remembering the office Cynthia gave me.

It took us a while as the office was on the top floor of the building. Once we reached the front door to the office I pulled out the key to the office. I placed it into the key socket and opened the door, but what I saw wasn't what I expected.

"Um Arthur, is it supposed to be such a mess?" Caera asked, walking into the dusty room that seemed to not have been touched in years.

"Well, the Director did say it was going to be messy, I just didn't think it would be this messy," I said, walking over to the middle of the room, examining the items inside that were covered in dust. From what I could tell there was; a desk near the window, two couches, a table between the two couches, about five bookshelves, and a chair that was behind the desk.

"So, you want to help me clean the place?" I asked, not wanting to do it myself.

"Sure, it shouldn't take us that long with mana right?" Caera asked, walking up to the desk and running her finger across it, leaving a clear line behind it.

"No, it should only take us a couple minutes," I smiled, casting a small wind spell in my hand and walking around the area room, blowing the dust off all the items in the room.

It didn't take long, with wind magic to clear the dust, and water magic to clean the items and then dry them with Caera's fire magic. With the office clean we could see the full beauty of it.

It had two navy blue couches separated by a dark wood table. It had five bookshelves, all filled with books that ranged from mana arts all the way to research on the Djinn. This room was like a heaven for research. The desk in the middle of the room was similar to ones you would see in movies on pirate ships. Tons of hidden compartments. The chair behind it was a nice red chair that had wheels on the bottom.

"Wow, this place looks nice," I said, Caera nodding in agreement. "Alright, we should head back to our dorm rooms, we don't want to scare Claire and Feyfey," I said, opening the door and letting Caera leave while I followed behind her.

Virion Eralith:

I walked into Xyrus Academy. I wanted to go visit the little munchkins. While I only saw her about two weeks ago. Walking into the building where her dorm room is located. Walking through it I went to Tessia's room, but once there I saw her barge into her room, slamming the door behind her.

'Did someone upset my granddaughter? Who am I killing with a cactus?' I thought, walking over to her door and opening it. Seeing inside I saw Tessia crying on her bed, her pillow in her arms.

"What's wrong my little munchkin?" I asked, walking over and sitting on the bed beside her.

"I-It's Art, he's changed and I don't like it," Tessia cried, causing me to wonder what she meant? How could that monster brat change? And how could his change cause Tessia to start to cry?

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