Chapter 14

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"Alright let's get going," Jasmine said as we all turned to leave, but I heard a skidding noise from the ceiling. I looked up to see it was covered in spiders. They had a dark black pelt. The pelt was smooth and probably water resistant. Despite its size it had long thin legs and a tiny body. Its fangs were made of water and its pitch black eyes stared at us.

"This isn't good," I said, as all the spiders that were on the ceiling fell down. I saw fear in Renaldo and Dworkin's eyes. These were only D rank Lagoon spiders, why were they scared?

Jasmine had started to use wind bullets to shoot through the heads of some of the spiders, killing them before they even landed on the ground. I started to cut through them like butter, as Caera followed suit.

Renaldo and Dworkin were handling their own, with Dworkin continuously buffing Renaldo, who was taking out the beasts with his earth magic.

Soon the spiders seemed to scurry around the room shooting strings made of water connecting it to the walls around us. Soon a Water web was formed around us, trapping us in a cage, blocking all exits.

While these species of mana beasts maybe a D rank, it doesn't mean their intelligence is anything to laugh at. Soon they seemed to scan us looking for the weakest link. Then half of them charged Dworkin. Renaldo got caught in the web, most likely trying to run away seeing as he was running for the exit.

I saw that the spiders were quickly approaching him, their fangs dripping with poisonous water. I rushed over to him, cutting the web, causing the spiders to fall down. I rushed in and started to take off the heads of the spiders, but some of their poisonous water landed on Renaldo, causing part of his cloak to melt.

Looking back I saw that there were still a good amount of them left, though In my last life I was able to get away with not using mana, we mostly dove into B ranks, never A rank dungeons as I had never suggested them.

I coated my sword in fire and rushed through, chopping each of the beast's heads off with ease, the fire slighting through them like a hot knife through butter. The sound of slightly burnt meat hit the area as the beasts fell to the ground dead.

" That's all of them," I said, sheathing my sword then walking over to Caera and Jasmine to see if they were okay.

"Alright, we should move on this time, unless any of you want to take a rest," Jasmine suggested . Caera and I wanted to continue on, but Renaldo and Dworkin wanted to rest so we did.

Jasmine, Caera and I sat down away from the other two as they were off setting to say the least.

"So, how do you think this dungeon is going so far?" Caera asked, while sharping her sword with a water stone that she secretly pulled from her dimension ring.

"Good so far, but those two are making this increasingly difficult. We're only on the first floor of this dungeon and we're all A rank or above, but those two struggled against even a C rank. I have a feeling they aren't actually A rank, but I'm not sure," I said, much to Caera's shock.

"But how would they get away with it? I mean sure, if you can say that you're an A rank at a dungeon, but to sign up for one then you need to be the proper level, and surely the guild would have their true ranks written down," Caera said, as she stopped sharping her sword.

"I don't know, maybe they have connections in the guild hall," I muttered, placing my hand on my chin and started to think about it more.

'Arthur, I want to be sharpened,' I heard Dawn's voice in my head.

'I can ask Caera for the water stone if you want,' I responded.

'Yes hurry, ask your girlfriend for the stone,' She said almost impatiently.

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