Chapter 21

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It's been a year and two months since Caera disappeared. During this time Seris and I are working together to figure out where she is. We've been building an Aether sensor and are getting extremely close to finishing it, we just need a few more pieces.

"Sevren, do you know what we need? We haven't made any progress on this thing for the past three months," Seris said, picking up the artifact we were making.

The Artifact didn't look spectacular, it was just a large metal contraption that was in the shape of a crystal. It was deactivated, evident by the black lining that would usually light up when being used.

"We have a problem, the items we need to finish this can only be found in the Relictombs. While we can have you go in them, you don't know what I'm needing. It would be easier for both of us to go in," I said, pulling out one of my notebooks filled with runes and artifacts.

"What! No! It's too dangerous for you to go inside. I should just go by myself," She argued, placing her hand on the workbench.

"Like I said earlier, you wouldn't know what to look for. This will also allow me to get stronger. We don't know who took my sister and how strong they are. It's best if we are both strong enough to deal with that kind of enemy," I said, not letting this opportunity to go into the Relictombs pass by.

"Fine, but you stay behind me at all times. I can't have you getting hurt," She said, an unusual amount of kindness in her voice, it was almost scary.

"Okay, but we should get going right away," I said, grabbing a dagger and the mini gun from a secret compartment under the floorboards in my work area.

"What's with you and secret compartments?" Seris asked, giving me an odd look.

"Listen, my parents are nosy and if they find anything I'm working on they'll probably sell it to get more cash. I like my stuff here and in my possession only," I replied, hiding the secret compartment.

"Alright let's go," Seris said, turning around leaving the room, waiting for me to follow. I followed behind her and we snuck out of the Denoir estate.

We soon made it to the Relictombs entrance in Central domain. It wasn't far from the Denoir estate as our family had some notorious members dive into the dungeons, causing the estate to be placed near the entrance.

Once there, the guards bowed down to Scythe Seris and let us inside. I knew that I won't really be able to fight most of the beasts inside, as they'll all be around the same level as Seris, but I should be able to do some damage to them.

We started to traverse through the floors of the Relictombs. Seris did most of the work while I looked around for the artifacts we needed. Usually these artifacts that I need aren't able to be found on the high levels, so I assume we'll have to go down a couple more levels.

We soon got to around the eighth floor of the Relictombs. The location of this one was a large desert, with large rock formations all around. This wasn't a level I would suspect to find any of the relics we need on.

"Alright, let's get this floor over quickly. We won't find anything useful here," Seris said, walking out into the desert to find the beast and kill them.

"Okay," I said, following quickly behind her.

As we traversed the area, we didn't find any beasts which was weird. Usually they would be everywhere, especially in a zone like this. I could tell Seris was getting anxious, if we ran into a large amount of them we most likely wouldn't be able to handle them. While Seris may be strong, she can't take down multiple opponents that are her level by herself. If she had someone stronger than me with her then it would be possible, but I'm not the best for helping her in combat.

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