Chapter 7

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While we were leaving the house Vincent came up to me and Caera before placing his hands on our shoulders. "I heard that my daughter is progressing well."

"If she continues like this, she should be able to awaken in time to attend Xyrus at a normal age," I smiled, looking up at him with Sylvie still on my shoulder.

"Thank you again," He said, smiling looking down at me.

"I'm just holding my end of the deal. We expect to see some great stuff at your auction house," I said, as Caera and I walked beside him, while Vincent had a happy face on.

"Of course, we are the best auction house on the continent, so there's nothing to worry about, you'll only see things of the highest quality," He smiled walking with pride about his auction house while we left.

Once outside, three carriages were waiting for us. We had an odd number of people for the three carriages. Since the Twin Horns want to catch up with me and meet Caera, it was decided that Caera, Jasmine, Helen, Durden and I would go in the third carriage. Mother, father, Adam, Angela and Ellie took the second carriage and the Helstea family took the first carriage.

"So Arthur, what happened? You fell off a cliff and we thought you had died, but here you are in front of us," Helen said, leaning in with a sparkle in her eyes, full of curiosity .

"Well, when falling off the cliff I think I subconsciously protected myself with mana, and then I hit a tree while falling which most likely broke my fall allowing me to survive," I explained while rubbing the back of my head. "Then after that, I found two mana beasts fighting both on the brink of death. After they had died I found an egg inside the cave that belonged to one of the beasts and took it," I smiled while petting Sylvie who looked confused as to what I meant.

"So that's how you got your bond. She's very interesting and a species we've never come across throughout our travelling," Jasmine said, reaching out to Sylvie, though she jumped away from Jasmine, causing Jasmine to pout.

"Yeah, I couldn't find her species in the mana beast encyclopedia, so I think she's a new type of undiscovered mana beast," I smiled, while Sylvie "Kyu'd" and started to prance around the inside of the carriage, causing everyone to laugh.

"That would make sense, but her eyes give off the feeling of intelligence, more than any mana beast we've gone against," Durden said this time looking at me with happiness.

"Yes I wonder that too, but she doesn't act all that smart," I sais, as if on cue she trips over her feet causing her to land flat on her face.

"You've had an interesting life Arthur, though I would like to know a bit more about Caera," Helen said looking at Caera which caused her to jump a bit in surprise. "So, Caera how did you and Arthur meet?" Helen asked her which caused her to calm down a bit.

"While my parents died two years ago, my father died from a sickness, while my mother died in the explosion when I awakened, I met Arthur only a couple of weeks ago when he and his family were shopping in town. He found me sitting in an alleyway covered in dirt and mud. He sat down with me and we chatted for a bit, till his mother found him where he asked her if I could stay with them," She explained. The longer she talked and calmed down, the more she started to talk like she had back in the relictombs.

"Oh I'm sorry for your lost, but at least you're now living a better life," Helen said while comforting Caera.

The Helstea Auction House was breathtaking. It was misleading to even call it a house, as it towered high above any of the other buildings nearby. I suspected they'd had a lot of help from conjurers, considering how large it was. I'd been to many national and historical monuments, created by the most famous architects, but this was on an entirely different level.

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