Chapter 28

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****Dragonspine Inn****


Me and Caera walked into the Dragonspine Inn. If my memory serves me correctly, this was the place where I was attacked by a mad man, saying that I was a phony and a weakling.

As I remembered, this guy came up to me, there wasn't much to say about him other than he looked like a bandit, not wearing anything for a shirt, and just had a leather belt going across his chest.

"Well, well, speak of the devils, look who just walked in. The infamous masked swordsman, and the Ruby Princess. So you want to tell all of us that you're a phony and a fake," He taunted, drawing his sword from its scabbard.

Caera looked at him as if he was the biggest idiot she had ever met. He swung his sword diagonally, trying to split us in half. We both took a small back step, avoiding the blade. It crashed into the ground, causing dust to fly everywhere.

I heard cheering coming from the people of the bar, them cheering saying that he had killed me and Caera. Once the dust settled down, the bar went silent, everyone looking at us in shock and awe that me and Caera were still alive.

"Why you little shits," He yelled, swinging his sword at us again. This time, I did what I had done in the original timeline, and cut off his fingers. Causing him to drop his sword, and grab his hand. "W-W-What have you done!?" He screamed, holding his hand that was streaming blood from where his fingers were supposed to be.

We walked by him and went over to the bar. "Hello, you have a parcel for us," I said, causing the woman behind the bar to get out of shock.

"Um, what's the name it's under?" She asked, looking under the bar.


"Ah, right here," She said, placing the parcel on the bar counter. I grabbed it and Caera and I walked out of the Inn, the man whose fingers I cut off, still screaming in pain.

"What took so long?" Jasmine set to work distributing the food among the pouches attached to our horses' saddles.

"Ah, I had a little quarrel with one of the adventurers at the inn." I scratched my head as I hopped on my brown mount.

I could feel Jasmine staring at me suspiciously, her half-lidded eyes imagining what sort of mischief I had created.

"Don't mind, don't mind! I didn't make a big deal out of it. I didn't even hurt the guy." I just waved my hand, trying to dissuade Jasmine from going back to Dragonspine Inn.

Jasmine shook her head and mounted her own horse, then snapped the reins. "Haap!"

We did the same, and we headed for our destination.

The ride was a smooth ride, the horses carrying us made it not take that long. I knew that when we arrived at the dungeon, I saw some faces I never wanted to see again.

The thought of seeing Lucas and Nico again made my blood boil. I wanted to kill both of them as soon as we arrived. But right now, Nico is Elijah, and I need to wait for Lucas to do something stupid before I could kill him.

"We're here," Jasmine announced, snapping me out of my thoughts. At her signal, we brought our horses to a slow trot into a small clearing in the woods. The clearing-which was surrounded by tall trees, and was where the dungeon entrance was located-already contained a group of familiar adventurers clearing their camp, some checking their weapons as they got ready to go in.

"I guess we're stuck with more augmenters," a faintly familiar voice rang out. Getting off my mount, I made my way towards the group of adventurers, Jasmine following behind me. As we approached I felt my blood boil at seeing that bastard's face. I wanted nothing more to strike him down right here.

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