Chapter 63

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Arthur Leywin:

It was the day before the field trip and Caera and I were asked to go back to the Helstea mansion before he had to leave to go out for our field trip. Caera was hesitant to go, not wanting to tell them that she got suspended, but with some convincing from Claire and I we got her to agree to come back to the manor.

"Alright Caera, it's time to go," I said, knocking on the door to her dorm room. I heard some movement before the door opened. There stood Caera who seemed to be worried and scared to return to the manor. "You'll be fine Caera, you don't need to worry about this, alright," I said, reassuring her that everything will be alright.

"You're sure Alice won't try and kill me once she learns I was suspended?" Caera asked. To be honest I couldn't say that she would be safe. It would be a lie, she'll most likely get a large talking to by mom. "Well I can't say for sure, bu I would prepare for anything," I said, getting a glare from Caera who didn't seem to be to happy with me.

"So you're saying I'm going to get yelled at?" Caera asked, grabbing my wrist and twisting it. "Yeah, you're most likely going to get yelled at," I said, which ended up with Caera kicking me in the shin. I started to hop around on one leg while Caera started to leave. I started to hop in her direction, waiting for my leg to stop hurting.

Once I had caught up to her she didn't talk to me and just ignored me. I tried to get her to talk but each attempt ended with her glaring at me and continuing to ignore me. 'I didn't do anything too bad right?' I thought, not really sure how to deal with this situation. It's not like I have much experience when it comes to this.

'I don't know papa, but when mama gets mad at you again I won't be on your side,' Sylvie said, jumping off my head into Caeras' arms. 'Traitor!' I thought, but Sylvie stuck her tongue at me and cuddled close to Caera.

I let out a sigh and just accepted that I'll be walking in silence for a while. Caera seemed to be enjoying holding Sylvie while I was stuck her, no one to talk to. 'Bitch! Did you forget about me!' A loud voice yelled in my head. I looked down at my side, remembering Dawn was with me. 'I can't believe you! You forgot I was even here! Why did I choose you as my master!' Dawn yelled, sending a large amount of killer intent at me.

'I'm sorry, but you barely talk! How am I supposed to remember you're here!?' I yelled back at her. 'No wonder your girlfriend doesn't want to talk to you! You're an idiot!' Dawn yelled. It somewhat hurt when she said that. Is Caera mad at me because I am an idiot?

'Geez, you really are an idiot,' Dawn said before shutting down our mental link, leaving me back to myself on this long walk to the Helstea manor.

"Hey Arthur, if Sylvie is an asura, can she speak out loud and have a human form?" Caera asked, Sylvie tilting her head in Caeras' hands looking at Caera confused. "She should. But her mother had placed a seal on her human form and Sylvie hasn't matured enough to speak yet. But I believe she should be able to speak in the coming weeks," I explained, taking my bond from Caera hands.

'Papa, why would mama place a seal on me?' Sylvie asked, looking over towards Caera. 'I meant your biological mother, not Caera,' I chuckled, placing Sylvie back on the top of my head. She let out a light yawn before tapping her paws on the top of my hand and laying down, snuggling in my hair.

We soon arrived at the front door of the Helstea manor. Knocking on the door we were met with my mother, father and little sister. "Welcome home!" Ellie yelled, jumping up and hugging me, while my parents just smiled behind them. "It's good to see you too, Ellie," I said, hugging her back.

She soon broke the hug and tackled Caera. Caera seemed to be surprised by her actions at first, but also gave Ellie a hug. It was a nice sight to see. You don't usually see something like this everyday and I'm glad my parents accepted Caera like they have. If they didn't I don't know where we would be at.

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