Chapter 51

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***Two months later***

Claire Bladeheart

I was inside Arthur's current class, Beast Will 101. Right now we were waiting for everyone to show up for the class. Currently it was only Caera and I. We didn't know where princess Tessia was, or where Arthur and Feyfey were, but we assumed they would be here soon.

Like we thought, Arthur and Feyrith walked into the room. They seemed to have been talking before they arrived here at the class. Soon following Princess Tessia walked into the room. With all of us here Arthur starts the class.

"Alright, since none of you have awakened yet we'll continue doing what we've been doing for the last two months. Though do be prepared. Once you awaken your real training will begin," Arthur said, causing all of us to nod and continue what we've been doing.

Spreading my mana throughout my mana channels, I could feel the Fire Pixie's beast-will power running through my body. Looking at where the mana was, it was clear to me that I'm extremely close to assimilating with the Fire Pixie's will.

I watched as its mana started to merge with my mana. The reddish mana I had started to change to a darker red, turning to look like the color of blood.

"Oh, it seems you're right about there," Arthur said, placing his hand on my back. Then I felt an explosion go on around me. I opened my eyes to see the terrain around me was one fire. I jumped up to stomp it out, but the fire was put out by a blast of water.

"Congratulations Claire, you are the first to assimilate with your beast will," Arthur smiled, I felt a smile form on my face. FInally over these past two months I finally assimilated with this beast-will. I can finally see how far this will will take me.

"Alright, let's start getting you to train with your beast-will. But the rest of you. You're all going to have to hurry up as I'm not waiting for you guys to assimilate if you take too long," Arthur said, causing the others to nod and go back to working on assimilating on their beast-wills.

"So, what do I need to do to work with the beast-will? Do I need to do something special to get it to work?" I asked, not really sure what I'm going to do with activating the beast-will.

"Oh no, it's not that hard to activate your first stage. All you need to do is focus on the Fire Pixie's mana and let it flow through your body like you did for the assimilation process. With that you should be able to activate your first stage," Arthur explained, causing me to nod. In all sense how he explained that it didn't seem to be that hard.

I started to do what he said, taking in one large breath before sensing the Fire Pixie's power in my core and letting it spread across my body. I felt its power raise through my body, the heat of its power felt like it was burning my insides.

"Alright, now that you've entered your first stage. We're going to see what you can do," Arthur said, conjuring two large ice spikes behind him. "I want you to use a fire spell. Not a high level, just a basic one so that I can figure out how strong you are in that phase," Arthur explained, causing me to nod.

I grabbed my rapier and coated it in a light fire. Imagining throwing the fire I lunged forward with my rapier, causing the fire on it to shoot out towards the ice spikes. Once they made contact with them the ice spikes broke into pieces, melting before they could even hit the ground.

"Interesting. Your fire power is definitely stronger than what it was before using your beast-will. I would say around 30 to 40% stronger. That's a good building block," Arthur said, conjuring another two ice spikes. "Do you remember the file I gave you?" Arthur asked, causing me to nod my head.

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