Chapter 30

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I walked out of the boss room. I saw everyone looking at Jasmine and Caera, making sure that they were alright. I rushed over to them, I bent down to the ground and started to examine them.

Jasmine had bruns going across her stomach, more so near where her reproductive organs were. I started to apply first aid to her. I wrapped her stomach up, and made sure there was no blood leaving her body.

After that I turned over and looked at Caera, her injuries were a lot more dangerous. While most of her clothes stayed intact, they were drenched in blood. Her mask was falling apart.

Her burns were more serious than Jasmines. She was hit in the chest area. I started to wrap her up. While doing that I saw her pendant. It had cracks running through it, I could feel the aether in it leaving. It wasn't leaving at a fast pace, but it was still leaving the pendent.

"That isn't good," I muttered under my breath. Taking one of the gems on my glove off and using it on Caera. She let out a few groans in pain, but I could see her wounds starting to heal from the gem.

I went back over to Jasmine and used a gem on her as well, her wounds didn't heal as much as they did for Caera. I found it odd, but I didn't question it as I used a second gem, this time her wounds started to heal.

"All of you leave, I'll stay behind with these two," I said, my voice low, but cold. I saw that some of them wanted to stay, but a quick glance sent them leaving.

I sat down beside the two of them, caressing Caera's hair. 'Regis, you and Sylvie are nearby, right?' I asked.

'Yes, were hiding behind some rocks waiting for you,' Regis snarked, most likely annoyed by how long its taking.

'Caera and Jasmine are hurt, when the other adventurers leave the dungeon and area, you are to come down here and help me take care of them,' I told him.

'What do you mean by Caera got hurt?' Regis got mad, anger evident in his voice, I could almost feel his emotions run through our mental link.

'Lucas attacked both Caera and Jasmine, that's why I need you to come,' I said, getting angry at him.

'Well be down there as fast as possible,' Regis siad, cutting the mental connection.

After a couple of hours, I felt Regis and Sylvie enter the area I was in. Sylvie was in her white fox form. 'Papa,' Sylvie said through our mental connection. I could feel how strong Sylvie was, her strength was leaps and bounds stronger then how strong she was in the former timeline.

"Hello Sylvie," I said, scratching the top of her head, while she let out a light kyu

'Me and uncle Regis have been training a lot,' Sylvie said. I felt my eye twitch when she said uncle Regis, but I can't do anything as it seems Regis has already imprinted too much on my daughter.

We sat there for a bit long, till I heard Jasmine start to groan as she got up. "Jasmine, are you alright?" I asked, walking over to her, looking to find any more burn marks on her.

"I don't feel the best right now, but I can manage," Jasmine responded, causing me to chuckle at her resilience.

"So, what happened?" Jasmine asked, resting her back on the wall beside me.

"Well, your boyfriend's half brother attacked you and Caera. After that he decided to go fight the Elderwood Guardian and died," I didn't lie, but more so didn't tell everything. Lucas did decide to go fight the Elderwood Guardian, it was because I forced him to.

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