Chapter 59

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Caera Denoir:

Here I was, sitting in the Director's office. Princess Tessia beside me along with both Alduin Eralith and Merial Eralith. Tessia had a black eye, while Alduin and Merial were looking at me with annoyance.

'Oh, how did this happen?'


'I'm going to be late,' I thought, rushing through the academy, trying to get to the Disciplinary Committee meeting room as fast as possible. As I turned around one of the many corners of the academy, I saw Princess Tessia. She was looking at me with superiority and arrogance.

"Hello there, Caera. Fancy running into you here," Tessia said, looking at me with an arrogant smirk. "So, how does it feel to have not assimilated yet?" Tessia asked, learning closer to me. "To think, you're the only one who hasn't yet assimilated," Tessia continued to tease.

I tried to ignore her, continuing on my walk towards the Disciplinary Committee room. But, Tessia continued to follow me. "Seriously, how can someone take soooo long to finish assimilating?" Tessia asked, continuing to bully me and annoy me. I just continued to walk away, trying to ignore her as much as I could.

"Ya know, I can't believe you're dating Art, compared to him, you're just some second rate mage," Tessia smirked, I felt my blood boil, as if It was ignited by fire, but I kept myself calm, or at least tried to.

"Could you leave me alone? I have someplace to be. So please, let me go," I said, holding myself back and just trying to walk away and go about my day.

"For someone like you to be in the Disciplinary Committee is astounding. You're so weak that you can't even assimilate with your own Beast-Will," Tessia continued to taunt, giving out a light giggle. I clenched my fists, trying to keep myself calm.

"Maybe they should remove you, it's not like you're any help to them. In fact, I bet you're just a liability for the Disciplinary Committee," As Tessia said those words I couldn't control myself anymore. I brought my arm back and slammed my fist right into Tessia's face, sending her right into the wall, right outside the Disciplinary Committee room.

'Bitch deserved it, shouldn't insult the beauty Caera' Regis chinned in, not being very helpful at the moment.

Looking down at her I could see her holding her eye in pain, her other eye looking at me with fear and shock. I felt a sharp pain run through my body. How could I have done that? This isn't me, I never lose control of my emotions. So why, why did I punch her? How could she have gotten under my skin so easily?

The door to the Disciplinary Committee room opened to reveal Arthur. He looked between Tessia and I with a confused stare. Once he pieced together that I hit her he came rushing over to us. He walked over and started to check on if Tessia was alright, while I tried to calm myself. My entire body was shaking. Scared of what'll happen if once the elven royal family hears of this. What will they do to me?

Once Arthur had finished helping Tessia up she had run away, not even looking back. Arthur was confused at her actions, but turned back to me, giving me a look of wanting answers. "So, what happened?" Arthur asked. I tried to avoid eye contact. I had just hit his childhood best friend. What could I say to him?

"Well, when I was on my way to the Disciplinary Committee room, Tessia started to talk to me. Well, more like bully me. She would continue to say I was a second rate mage who couldn't assimilate. And, I lost control of my emotions, and ended up hitting her," I said, lowering my head in shame.

"Caera, you'll most likely be called down to the Directors office in the next couple of hours. You just punched someone outside a duel. In the end this could cause problems for you and Tessia. I would suggest going back to your dorm and wait to be called down by the Director," Arthur advised me. I gave him a slight nod before making my way back to my dorm room.

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