Chapter 33

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Arthur Leywin:

After the announcement concluded, Caera and the other girls went back into town to continue shopping. While me and Uncle Vincent were going to pay a visit to a very important artificer.

It didn't take us long to make it to Gideons place of residence. We walked up to the door of the house. Uncle Vincent knocked on the door. Once it opened, an old man peaked through the small opening on the door.

"Master Gideon is not-Oh," He stopped in his tracks of speaking when he noticed Uncle Vincent. "Greetings master Vincent. Please come in," The old man said, opening the door completely, letting us inside the house.

"It's been a while, Himes," Vincent said, now identifying the old man as Himes.

"Master Gideon has been cooped up in his room for a while, so do be prepared for what you'll smell when you enter the room," Himes said, leading us to where Gideon was at.

Once Himes opened the door, we were met with a terrible smell. The area reeked, as if a skunk came in here and let its smell loose.

"Himes! I thought I told you not to let anyone inside!" Gideon yelled, jumping up from the pile of clothes that was in the center of the room. "Oh, It's you, Vincent. I see you've come to bother me again," Gideon said, noticing Uncle Vincent.

"You act like I didn't call beforehand, to tell you that I was coming," Uncle Vincent said, covering his nose from the awful smell.

"I'm just particularly tired of seeing people these days," Gideon grumbled, throwing clothes in the air. "I've already had over a dozen messages from the royal families this past year. Or well I guess the council. They've been hounding me to come up with a way to travel across the ocean, so that we can make contact with the other continent," Gideon continued, slamming his hands on his work bench.

"Why do they want to make contact with the other continent?" I asked, while I already knew the answer, I still needed to play the part of a curious kid.

"Wait, who' the little brat?" Gideon asked, pointing at me as if I was some infestation.

"An honor to meet you, Mr. Gideon. Uncle Vincent has told me many geat things about you and your work," I said, giving a light bow. "My name is Arthur Leywin son of Reynolds Leywin."

"So, why'd you bring him here, Vincent? You know I don't take on students or disciples," Gideon said, scratching his back, completely ignoring me.

"Actually, I'd like to know myself why he wanted me to bring him here," Uncle Vincent said, eyeing me suspiciously.

"I came with something in mind to offer," I said, scanning the room for some blueprint paper. "But you said you needed a way to travel distances across the ocean, correct?" I asked, walking over and grabbing a blueprint paper.

"Huh?" Gideon asked, rasing his hand to his eye.

"Perhaps It'll be easier for me to show you rather than explain," I said, starting to write on the blue sheet of paper.

"I don't know what sort of colorful doodles you're drawing. But the problem isn't something a kid can think of," Gideon said, leaning over my shoulder, looking down on the blueprint I was drawing up.

"Huh?! This is, this, how!?" He yelled, snatching the paper from me. "Of course, a thing that can float on the water and is powered by the wind mages that can send wind at it!" Gideon yelled, marveling at the pirate ship design I had given him.

"Wait, this part doesn't add up, something's missing," Gideon said, continuing to examine the ship.

"I've left out some key details, which I will be more than happy to provide," I said, taking the blueprints from his hands. "Once our negotiations are over."

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