Chapter 54

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Virion Eralith:

I walked through the floating castle, making my way through the corridors of the lavish building that was built by the ancient mages. People we still know little to nothing about. Like, how did they make Xyrus and this palace to float? What artifact could've caused them to float? ANd the more important question, why did the royal family of Sapin never investigate the floating contraptions? I've wanted to force the council to do so, but with the threat of war from the other continent we need to prepare the best we can. But it seems they are too stubborn to realize this.

I arrived at the doors to lances meeting room. I had called for Lance Alea to meet me here to discuss some important matters. I pushed open the golden doors to show Alea, who was sitting down at the table in the center.

"Elder Virion," Alea said, bowing down. I waved her off. She didn't need to bow to me. I wasn't the elven king anymore, but she still did out of respect.

"Hello Lance Alea. How has your training?" I asked, sitting down at the table across from Alea. "It's been well, Elder Virion. My use in my plant magic has improved. I am now able to sense over a greater distance of land then when I could before I had reached white core," Alea explained. I gave her a slight nod.

Remembering what the brat said after our conversation, about the Beast-Will he had given me. It has been stuck in the back of my mind for a while. Wondering how he was able to kill an S rank beast. Sure, the brat is strong, but I didn't think he was that strong. But I guess this would be the best decision, not for Alea, or for the elves, but for the continent of Dicathen. We may have white core mages, but we still need to bolster our strength.

"Alea, the reason I had asked for you to meet me here is more trivial then what you would've assumed," As I had said this Alea face turned to that of confusion. "Alea, I have something to give to you," I pulled out the Elderwood Guardian beast-core from my dimension ring.

"This is an Elderwood Guardian beast-core. Inside it contains the unique will of the Elderwood Guardian. Because of your ability with plant magic, I have decided to give you the beast-will. It would be the most beneficial decision for the continent," I placed the core on the table, giving it to Alea. She looked down at the core completely memorized. Most likely her first time seeing a beast-will in her elven life.

"E-elder Virion, are you sure about this? I mean, wouldn't this sort of item be better to give to Princess Tessia? It could allow her to grow at an exponential rate," Alea said, her eyes not moving from the core that was in front of her. She most likely sees this as an item to bring her closer to the other Lances.

"Yes, Tessia has already acquired a beast-will. While it isn't an S rank one. It should be useful for her in the future. While I could give it to her, it would be wasteful seeing as it would destroy her current one," I explained, Alea nodded hesitantly, but she still reached out and grabbed the beast-core.

"You'll be removed from all current and future missions for the time being. Varay will take your place in searching through the Beast-Glades with Bairon. Originally, I had planned for Aya to be the one to take your place. But she seemed to have requested the next two weeks off for some personal reasons," I explained, still confused as to why Alduin allowed Aya to leave for so long. A couple days should've been enough, but two weeks is a bit much for a Lance to be gone.

"Elder Virion, how long will I be off duty?" Alea asked, placing the beast-core inside her dimension ring. "You'll be placed back into duty once you've assimilated with the Elderwood Guardian and you are proficient with using its first phase," I responded.

"Thank you Elder Virion, I'll make sure not to disappoint you," Alea said, a fire burning bright in her eyes. I let out a light chuckle and stood up and walked over to the door to leave. "I expect great things from you Alea. With this Beast-Will I hope you can fly to new heights in power," I said, leaving the room.

Tessia Eralith:

"Ugh, why does this need to be such a pain?" I asked, throwing my hands in the air, looking down at the paperwork on my desk. The piece of paper of complaints from racist human nobles about the smallest things a dwarf or elf does.

"You know what, it's time for a break," I said, getting up from my desk leaving the paperwork behind. I walked out of the Student Council office and started to make my way around the campus.

While walking around I spotted Curtis. He seemed to just be wrapping up his patrol route. I walked over to him and started a conversation. "Curtis how has it been?" I asked, giving him a light smile. "It's been well Tessia. But I want to talk to you about our little agreement," Curtis said, signaling for us to go to a more private area.

We walked over to an empty Disciplinary Committee meeting room. Curtis sat over on the far side of the table, while I sat across from him. "So, what is it that you want to talk to me about?" I asked.

"I would like to talk to you about our plans with Caera and Arthur Leywin. I have thought of an idea, I just want to fly it by you first before anything else," Curtis explained. I gave him a slight nod, interested in what his idea is. "I want to use their roommates as a way for us to break them apart. Just dabble in a bit of gossip and lies into their ears. Try and make them tell Arthur and Caera to stay away from each other," Curtis explained. My eyes widened at what he had planned, it would be hard to pull off, but if it did work this could get me MY Art.

"What kinds of lies would we tell?" I asked, leaning in towards the desk resting my head on my hands. "We would go after Claire, tell her that Arthur has been using his power as a Disciplinary Committee member to get "gifts" from the noble houses," Curtis explained,"I felt my blood boil. "Why can't we use Caera as the bad one?" I asked, not wanting to slander MY Art.

"Tessia, I'm not getting into a fight about this. I don't care for what you feel about Arthur, but he is the easier target to go after, especially with Claire," Curtis said.. I just clenched my fist in anger, knowing well that staying quiet would be a better choice.

"Fine, but if we do end up getting caught, the blame is on you," I said, getting up and leaving the room.


A/N: I've already said this on the Two Future's Bound discord server, but I'll say it again. The chapters for TFB will be shortened for a while. Till around June 23 you'll get chapters around 1.5k words long. While this may cause the academy arc to feel as if it is dragging on. When I return I'll try and add more words to chapter, maybe go to around 3k words per chapter to speed the pace back up to where I want it to be. Of course I won't do that extra words if you don't want me to and you feel that the pace is fine as it is.

Some of you may wonder why I won't just stop updating and well the reason is I want to see how long I can keep this streak going. I've gone for 53 now, lets see how far I can take this. Maybe even break the cats record, though that is unlikely.

Also Join the discord Server. Here I can go into more depth about the chapters and talk with you guys. You can even access the docs of the past arcs that I've posted there



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