Chapter 37

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Arthur Leywin:

Today was the first day of the academy. For some odd reason today I had woke up early which was odd as I love to sleep in, and waking up early is foreign to my body. Sylvie was still asleep so I let her sleep for a little longer while I went to go get changed.

After I had showered and changed into my scholar mage uniform, I went over to Caera's room to see if she had awakened or not. Like me, she also had a sleeping problem. But when I opened her door I saw Regis laying on her bed, while she was packing up her mountain of plushies.

"Do you really need to bring all those plushies?" I asked, picking up a few of them and handing them to her.


"Whatever you say, Ruby Princess," I chuckled, watching her face turn bright red.

After all the plushies were packed up into her dimension ring I lead her over to the mirror, as her hair was a mess and look like a typhoon had gone through it.

"What are you going to do at the academy? You'll have a dorm partner and they'll see your hair every morning," I asked, brushing her hair, and removing the nots.

"I don't know. My first thought was that you would come to help me. But I'm not sure if the dorm rooms are separated from each other," Caera said, placing her finger on her cheek.

"I'm not sure. I never really checked last time so I'm as clueless as you are. But I can probably sneak over to brush your hair, of course, you could just learn how to do it yourself," I teased, causing Caera to jab her elbow into my thigh.

"Ow!" I yelled, placing my hand on my thigh, while I could hear Regis chuckling behind us.

After Caera's hair was fixed, we went downstairs to go eat breakfast. Regis had hopped back inside Caera's body as we had not shown him to my family.

"Oh, you two look great," My mother smiled, bringing both of us into a large hug.

"Thanks, mom," I smiled, returning the hug.

"I'm so proud of both of you. Going to school, but you two better not get into trouble," My mother said, pointing a finger at us as if we had already broken all the school rules.

"We promise, we'll try to not break the rules,' Caera said, getting a chuckle from everyone else inside the dinning room.

"Fine, I'll take that," My mother said, causing everyone to laugh.

We ate breakfast as fast as we possible could, as we had to catch a carriage to get to the academy.

"Bye mom, bye dad," I said, Caera and I waving them off before shutting the door and entering the carriage.

"So, what are your goals in the academy?" Caera asked, eyeing me suspiciously.

"What. I don't have any real plans on coming here. Just want to act like a kid," I smiled, wrapping my arms around Caera and pulling her close to me.

"You say that, but whats that little bracelet on your wrist?" Caera asked, pointing at the bracelet I received from Gideon.

"Oh, this? It just hides one of my elements. I decided that I want to work on my other three rather then fire. Since it's my strongest, I though developing the other three would be a good idea," I smiled.

We sat the rest of the time in silence. Regis had jumped out of Caera's body and laid down on the ground of the carriage, while Sylvie laid down on top of him, getting comfy in his fur.

Once we arrived at the academy front gates of Xyrus Academy there were tons of students all around. Some arriving in carriages, while others arrived on bonds. We stepped out of the carriage and started to walk towards the academy entrance. Sylvie was now sitting on top of my head, while Regis was walking close to Caera, scaring every boy who tried to approach her. Seeing this made me happy that I decided to give Regis to Caera. When I'm not around and people try and hit on her, they'll have to go through one scary wolf.

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