Chapter 24

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Tessia Eralith:

I was on my balcony, looking down at the city block of the elven capital. It's been a while since I had used the seeking orb. I was contemplating using it and seeing how Art was doing. But every time I got to use the orb I remember the girl he was with. Seeing her and Art practicing and training together.

Why was Art so happy with her? Why wasn't he like that with me? What made her so special? Does Art love her? What about the promise we made? Him not going to chase after any human females.

It annoyed me, I should be the only girl Art hangs out with. No, I should be his only friend like he is my only friend. I slammed my foot against the railing wall on the balcony, causing cracks to appear on the area I had kicked.

I ran back into my room, jumping on my bed filled with pillows. I reached over to my nightstand and grabbed the seeking orb to check in on Art. I calmed my mind only thinking about the person I wanted to see, Art.

Soon the orb started to show Art. He was in a large field with the other girl. They seemed to be training together. The girl was using fire mana, seemingly trying to learn how to use it.

Art was helping her guild her fire, teaching her the ins and outs of the element. Soon after they both stopped training with fire and Art seemed to suggest something. While I may be able to watch them through the seeking orb, I can't hear what they say.

The girl seemed to like the idea, and went out a bit farther away from Art. She closed her eyes and relaxed her body, she stood like that for a couple minutes. After a while fire started to flare around her, small bright fire red runes appearing on her forehead and running down the side of her arms, a fire red ruby crown appeared on her forehead. On her back four little outlines appeared under her clothes. While they didn't show through you could still see them.

"Beast will," I mumbled in awe, looking how she had practically turned into a queen of fire. Because of my loss of concentration, the image of them disappeared.

'Is this why Art hangs out with her? Is it because she's strong and has a beast will?' I wondered, the image of her activating her first phase still engraved into my memory.

'Could I get a beast will? I know grandpa has one and so does Art. Is it possible for me to acquire one?' I continued to think, leaving my bedroom to go and find grandpa.

I walked around the palace, looking for grandpa. He usually stays around my father helping him with running the kingdom. After checking the usual rooms they're in, like the foya, throne room and backyard garden. I went and checked the office where my father does the paperwork of the kingdom.

I opened the large lavish wooden doors that had some gold outlining of our family crest. Inside the room was my father and grandpa. Father was doing paperwork, while grandpa was reading a paper while drinking tea.

"Ah, hello there little one," Grandpa smiled, walking up to me and giving me a hug. "What brings you here? Usually you're training with your tutor right now," He asked, standing back up, while my father walked over and gave me a hug as well.

"She gave me the day off today, she said I should rest up for the day as I have been working really hard for the past couple of days," I said, getting a nod from my grandpa.

"So Tess, why are you here?" My father asked, his voice tired, a dark underling under his eyes showing how tired he was.

"I came to find grandpa, I want to go on a walk with him," I smiled, my grandpa's face brightening up with joy, while my father seemed to sigh and walked back over to do paperwork.

"Alright little one let's go," Grandpa smiled, putting his hand on my back, leading me out of the room.

We soon went through the backyard, going to the forest that was behind the palace. We walked through the trails, letting the warm wind hit our pale skin, blowing our hair back. The birds chirping around us, the bushes moving from time to time, beasts jumping in and out of them.

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