Chapter 8

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When the king left, we followed suit and returned to the Helstea manor. It was decided that me and Caera would go get a sword tomorrow at the auction house, as it was getting late because of how long the incident took.

"So Arthur, what really happened?" My mother asked while I was walking up the stairs to my room.

"I don't know what you mean," I said innocently, trying to divert the question.

"You said that Caera awakened even though she did two years ago, so why did you tell the royal family that?" She asked, piercing my soul with her deadly glare.

"Well if the royal family knew that she awakened earlier they would've tried to take her, so I made up a small lie saying she awakened there so that they wouldn't question it," I said lying through my teeth.

"What makes you think that?" Mom asked, not giving me a break to escape to my room and run away from this conversation.

"Even if Blaine took his wife, his behaviour was irrational and unpredictable, he could try and take Caera for his own personal benefits. So I thought it would be the best course of action to lie to them to keep her safe," I told her, while opening my door trying to signal that I didn't want to be in this conversation anymore.

"Alright, but it's time for you to go to sleep," She said, walking up to me and giving me a kiss on the forehead while pushing me into my room. "Goodnight sweety," Mom smiled while shutting the door.

With that said I went to sleep to get some rest,as tomorrow I'll be gaining my sword again, Dawn's balled.

I woke up to the pain that I've gotten used to from Ellie stealing my cover, but this time she opened the blinds, blinding me from the light of the sun.

"Wake up brother!" She yelled, while stamping the door shut.

"Why can't she be more civil," I mumbled while getting out of bed and getting washed and ready for the day.

I walked over to Caera's room to see her struggling with her hair again, causing me to chuckle and walk over to her. I took the brush from her hand. "So, what will it be today Ms, Denoir?" I whispered into her ear so that no one else could hear me say her last name.

"Can you just make it straight, Butler, Leywin," She teased, playing along with the little trop I started, while I just brushed her hair to how she requested it.

"Hey Caera, you've already unlocked your Vritra blood right?" I asked while brushing her hair.

"Yes, but I don't have enough mana for my horns yet, so most of my mana is going to my core for now," She said, placing her hands where her horns used to be and rubbing the area.

"Do you have the necklace Seris gave you to hid them?" I asked, while she pulled out a red teardrop shaped necklace that had a golden chain on it.

"Yeah this is it," Caera said, showing me then putting it back under her clothes again.

"That's good to see, I don't want people to be scared of you for something you can't handle," I said while finishing her hair. "All done," I smiled while she inspected her hair.

"This is better than how the maids did it. Why didn't I get you to do it before," Caera said, still inspecting her hair.

"Because you never asked me," I smiled, while walking over to her door and leaving her room to head downstairs to get food.

Once I got down for breakfast we ate what the maids made. The Helsteas went before we did. Before we had left though, a representative of the royal family appeared at the front door of the manor to give us "compensation" as he put it, but all he gave us was each person who saw the incident 10 gold coins, which would be enough to last a small family in Ashburn for a couple years.

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