Chapter 16

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Once we left the dungeon Spectral bay we made our way to the adventure guild close by, which was the one in the middle of the Beast Glades. Each adventure guild hall has its own market inside it. This market may not be large, but it's where merchants get most of their stocks of beast parts and cores. The adventure guild sets this up to buy the items adventures get and then resell them for a higher price they sell them for.

In the contract you need to sign when you become an adventurer, the guild is allowed to under pay for the items you get as they give you access to the Beast Glades. Of course some adventurers don't sell directly to the guild hall so they go and sell to merchants.

Most merchants don't go this route as they get better deals from the guild, but some merchants get blacklisted so they have to pay extra from buying from the adventurers. This is the reason some people like the twin horns aren't filthy rich. Even though they've gone on thousands of dungeon dives, they sell back to the adventure guild on what they get so they get underpaid.

If they had actually been getting paid the proper amount for the items they sell, it wouldn't be surprising if they had enough money to rival some of the noble houses in wealth. Of course nobility is determined on talent with mana so they would never become actual nobles.

This is another thing I found odd here. Sure, back in Alacrya we had bloods that were up there because of mana talents, but that was only the high bloods who produced a Vritra blooded human or fostered one to awakening. The lower bloods were all determined on riches and dives into the Relictombs for the artefacts so that the high Sovereign would raise their blood by giving them an unawakened Vritra blood.

Inside the market you can see the people yelling for the items they want to buy, the most dominant voice you could hear was people yelling for Beast cores. We started to walk around looking for a place to sell these beast cores. We soon found a man who was interested in water beast cores.

He was a stocky short man, but he wasn't a dwarf. He had a face filled with stubble with a large grin on his face. He wore merchant clothes which were just some long brown pants and a brown suit.

"Hello there, we have some water Beast cores to sell, are you interested," Jasmine said, placing down her bag filled with Beast cores.

"That's a hefty load you got there, I'll buy the bag for, I don't know 3 gold coins?" He said. The man spoke in a greedy tone that completely differentiated from what he looks like.

"Fifteen gold coins," Jasmine said, while slowly reaching out to the bag to take it back.

"I can't do fifteen, but I can do ten," He bargained.

"Fifteen or I leave," Jasmine said, wrapping her hand around the bag and preparing to leave.

"Fine, I'll buy the bag for fifteen gold coins," He said defeated.

"Great," Jasmine smiled, taking his fifteen gold coins while giving him the cores. "Oh, yeah we have a couple more don't we?" Jasmine said, and Arthur and I pulled out two more bags of cores.

"I'll sell this to you for thirty five gold coins," Jasmine smiled, the man looked at her as if she was a demon.

"Why is it five extra," He yelled, pointing at her like she had done something evil.

"Price went up," She blew him off, causing him to get annoyed.

"Fine, take your money," He yelled, throwing it on the table.

"Sorry prices went up again, forty three gold coins," Jasmine smiled, that looked like she was a demon and he probably thought that too.

"Fine ya damn bitch," he grouched and threw an extra five gold coins on the table.

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