Chapter 19

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"Isn't this thing an AA rank?" I asked as I was digging out the core. "Yeah, it's the boss. It's to be expected since this is an A class dungeon," said Angela in a confused tone.

"I don't think this thing is the boss," I admitted. "It was guarding a door. A rather big one at that. I think the real boss is there."

Everyone went wide eyed. "That doesn't make sense. If that wasn't the boss then does that mean this dungeon was falsely ranked?" asked Helen.

"Most likely. If I had to guess there's probably an S rank behind that door," theorized Arthur. "So, that raises the question. Are we going to continue?"

"I'm fine with it," I said, placing the core into my dimension ring. "What about you guys?" I asked the Twin Horns, who all seemed to be thinking on what to do.

"I think we should at least check out what is inside the boss room. If we deem it too dangerous we leave it and report this dungeon to the adventure guild for being a false ranked dungeon," Helen said, removing her arrows from the Hell Kerbecs body. "Does everyone else agree to this?" She asked us, everyone nodding in agreement.

We turned around the corner to where the gate the Hell Kerbecs was guarding. It was a large door that was double the size of the Kerbecs. It had lava streams running down the sides, falling from skulls. The door looked to have something carved into it, almost like a floating city. We walked up to the door while Arthur and Durden pushed it open.

We opened the door and saw lava lakes and rivers all around us, the ground was hardened ash and looked to have been compressed by lava streams. The heat was almost unbearable with it coming down on us like the sun was falling from the sky.

We started to walk around the room till we made it out to be a throne like room. Then we saw five things flying around. They looked to be the highest version of the flame pixies and fire pixie. They were the size of the average human woman. Instead of the dresses the others wore they had armor covering a majority of its body. They had no hair and instead their armor covered their heads in a decorative fashion. Their weapons weren't scavenged like the others but instead they had what looked to be spears made of pure magma. If I had to guess they made them themselves.

"Hell Pixie's!" Helen yelled, pulling back an arrow on her bow, preparing to fire it. Before she could fire the arrow the Hell Pixie's started to send fireballs at us, covering our view.

As the fire was coming toward us, Arthur conjured a large water wall, but it had evaporated as soon as the fire had hit it. I saw Arthur send me a small look. After the time of fighting together in the Relictombs we've learned to communicate through quick eye glances.

I ran over to the far side of the Hell Pixie's, eyeing out the weakest one to attack, I found the one with the weakest mana signature, but it seemed to be being protected by the other four, as if they new it was the weakest one and is the one that is the weakest link.

I watched to see if they had any weaknesses in their form, and found that when the weakest one attacks the others move out of the way for a brief moment. That was the moment that we would need to strike at.

"Watch out for when the one in the back attacks! The others separate from it and leave it open, when that attacks happen!" I yelled, getting a nod from the others.

We watch for the weakest to attack. After dodging and sending light attacks at them, they started to show signals of letting the weakest attack. Then it happened, they separated from the weakest to let it attack. Before it could even get the chance, it had a barrage of attacks launched at it. It delt with the attacks, but before they could get back into position, Art launched himself with wind and lightning magic, and drove his sword right through the beast head.

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