Chapter 72

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Arthur Leywin:

As we exited the teleportation gate we were met with guards. They all had their spears pointed at us, or more so at the teleportation gate. Once they had noticed us they let out a slight sigh before getting into a more relaxed pose. "We're sorry, the meter said unidentified gate and we had thought you were a mana beast walking through," The guard captain explained, giving a slight bow apologizing for his actions.

"It's alright, it was just a small misunderstanding," Dad smiled, giving a small bow towards the guards before turning back to us. "Alright, I think we should head back," Dad said, picking up Ellie who looked like she was going to faint from exhaustion.

"Actually, I think Caera and I are going to go back to the academy tonight," I said, pointing towards the direction the academy is in while my mother gave me a displeased look.

"Arthur, I thought we were going to have you two all week, not just two days," Mom said, her tone slightly annoyed while she gave us a displeased look.

"Sorry, I just remember that I had left a few things at the academy, we'll be coming back after I get them," I explained, trying to calm mom down. She let out a small sigh before giving us a slight nod. Giving her one last hug we turned around to start making our way towards the academy.

"Arthur, why do you want to go to the academy? I know you were lying back there," Caera asked, wrapping her arms around one of mine and leaning in close to me.

"Because, the academy is being attacked," As those words left my mouth Caera looked at me shocked before removing her arms and augmenting her body with mana.

"Then what are we waiting for? Let's go," Caera said, about to rush off towards the academy as fast as possible. "Yeah, let's go," I said, augmenting my body and rushing off, Caera following closely behind me.

As we started to approach the academy you could see smoke flying up into the air as the smoke covered the view behind the academy. Caera seeing this started to run faster and I followed suit. As we reached the academy we looked down at the smoke. Seeing the name who I learned was Draneeve in the past timeline walk onto the stage in the courtyard.

Looking at the ones in black clad robes I checked their core levels, none of it was very impressive, all around dark orange. Giving a quick look to Caera who seemed to be looking over to a different direction of Draneeve. Looking over to where she was looking there was Claire and Feyfey. Both of them were covered in blood and both had low mana supplies. I also spotted a small ice cage that seemed to be around someone, but I couldn't make out who it was.

"They seem to be fine, let's just worry about the big guy," I told Caera, placing my hand on her shoulder while she just gave me a small nod before turning her attention back over to Draneeve.

"Alright, let's go," Caera muttered. I just gave a small nod as I drew Dawn from her sheath and prepared myself to jump down. Caera had pulled out her red crystal sword from her dimension ring. It let out a light shine in the darkness.

Empowering my body with mana I jumped towards Draneeve and his black clad armor soldiers, before I had even hit the ground with one large swing of Dawn I cut the chests of five of the clad black robed men. Their flesh cutting like e butter from the shard edge dawn had.

Dust kicked up from where we landed as the bodies of the dead soldiers fell to the ground, motionless. Hearing another four thumps I saw that the other soldiers also had large cuts running across their chests, the blood pouring out of it as they also laid on the ground, dead.

"Well, it seems there is actually some talent here." Draneeve laughed, looking at us as if we were below him in every way, as if we were just little toys for his amusement.

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