Chapter 55

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Tessia Eralith:

I walked through the halls of the academy. Looking for a certain individual, Claire. From what I've learned about her she should be making her way out of her final class right about now. I turned to look over to see Claire, walking out of her class.

I walked over to her. She seemed to see me coming over and gave me a gentle smile. "Hey Claire, it's nice to meet you," I said, holding my hand out which she accepted by shaking my hand.

"It's nice to meet you too princess," Claire responded, I let out a light chuckle. I wasn't really classified as a princess anymore. In fact neither should Curtis be classified as a prince either, but if I had to guess, it's his pride that is making him continue to call himself a prince. And that is most likely the reason why I continue to call myself a princess.

'Wait, since when did I care about being called a princess? I hated it?, I thought, confused as to why I continued to do that. I felt a strange burning sensation from my spine but I ignored it since it went away pretty quickly.

"So, princess, why did you come to speak to me?" Claire asked, raising her brow. "I came to tell you something that I heard. It involves your roommate," As those words left my mouth Claire looked at me confused.

I leaned in and started to whisper in her ear. "I heard that Arthur has been using his status as a Disciplinary Committee member to go and receive 'gifts' from other students," As I told Claire this her eyes widened, she then ran off. "I guess that works," I let out a light chuckle, watching Claire tear through the crowds running towards what I would assume where Caera is.

'Alright, I guess I should go watch. I wouldn't want to miss the fireworks would I,' I thought, slowly walking towards the way Claire went.

I found Claire taking Caera to her dorm room. 'I could use this as a chance to go speak to Arthur!' I thought, rushing over to where I thought they were coming from. Usually Arthur and Caera are with each other, so it isn't a bad guess.

It didn't take me long to find Arthur, he seemed to be confused, staring at nothing, a red hand mark on his cheek. 'S-She hit Art!' I yelled internally. I then felt the burning pain again. But like last time it disappeared as fast as it came.

"Art, are you okay?" I asked, running over to him. He gave me a small smile and brought his hand up to his cheek and rubbed it. "I'm fine Tess, I'm just confused, that's all," Art smiled, removing his hand from his cheek.

"What are you confused about?" I asked, placing my hands behind my back and looking at him with a small but gentle smile. "Just what just happened. Claire had come over to me and slapped me before grabbing Caera and running off," Arthur explained, sitting down on the bench nearby.

"That must be quite confusing. Did you do anything to cause that?" I asked, sitting down beside him. I tried to slowly move my hand towards his, but he removed his hand off the bench before I could reach his.

"Not that I know of," Arthur mumbled, placing his hand under his chin and started to go into a deep thought. 'Damn it, he isn't paying attention to me!' I internally screamed, frustrated at how this is playing out. 'Why is he just treating me as a friend! We're more than that and he should know that!'

"So, what are you going to do about it? Your "Girlfriends" best friend just came up and hit you. You must've done something to Caera if you got that reaction. Maybe she'll find something bad about you and you'll split ways," I said, as I watched Art's expression change from that of confusion to hurt. I felt my back burn again, almost like it was telling me to stop.

'Stop it! You're hurting Art! Let me out!' I heard someone scream inside my mind, but I just ignored it thinking it was just my imagination.

"Why would she do that? I don't think I've done anything bad?" Art said, looking at me confused. "Who knows, maybe you two weren't meant for each other," I added, standing up from the bench. "Alright, I need to go. I'll see you around later Art," I said, walking away from him. Rubbing my back, trying to figure out what was wrong.

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