Chapter 82

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Arthur leywin:

"It seems we are back," I said, looking around at the large walls of the Djinn lab we had found. It seemed to be untouched, the same as we left it when we had come here when we were adventurers.

"Yes, but why did we want to come back here? Didn't we get everything we wanted last time?" Caera asked, walking around the area and looking up at the stone walls and work benches with parts of artifacts all over them.

"As we had a limited time to explore it when we were last here. I would like to fully immerse ourselves in the items here and learn as much as we can. While the Djinn didn't use Aether to fight. They may have still looked into the ways it could be used for offense. If we are lucky we could gain great knowledge and strength from places like these."

While I was explaining my reasoning for coming back here, Caera just continued to look around while Regis and Sylvie started to run around, Sylvie trying to scratch at Regis tail while he was trying to get away from her claws.

Letting out a small chuckle at their antics I started to look around. I tried to avoid the areas I checked out last time I was here with the painting of Dicathen breaking apart. While I still do not understand as to why it was here It was just something that was and I couldn't really question it.

As I continued to look around on my own I walked over to where the artifacts seemed to be being made. Looking at the artifact bench you could see that there was little to nothing on them, just some parts and tools, no real artifacts.

Looking through the drawers I found some artifacts, they seemed dead but when I charged them with mana they started to light up. Placing them in my extra dimension rune to give to Catherine for giving us the information on the Council's actions here.

As I continued to explore the area around us I looked down at the ground to see these lines all over the ground, I chalked them up to erosion over the long period of time this place has most likely been resting here without anyone to take care of it.

"Arthur, come over here!" I heard Caera yell. Looking over to where she was I saw her looking at something, but from where I was I couldn't read what it said. "What is it?" I asked, walking over to Caera, who was just looking at something on the wall.

"I don't know what this is. It seems like text but I can't understand what it means," Caera said, reaching her hand out and placing it on the writing. Getting a good glance at the text she was talking about I instantly recognized what it was. \

"It's the Djinn language," I muttered, pulling out the book I've been using to decode the Djinn writing. Watching as some of the symbols on the wall matched up with the symbols in the book.

"So, do you know what it says?" Caera asked, removing her hand off the wall and rubbing the dust off her fingers that she received from it.

"I can figure it out, but I'm not perfect when it comes to decoding their text. So give me a bit," I said, as I crouched down and started to translate the text.

I slowly started to write out what I understood and slowly started to translate the worlds over to the language we know. Once I had the entire text written out I looked at it with confusion.

"What does it say?" Caera asked, looking over my shoulder down at the text I had just written out on the ground in the dust.

"It says. 4 cities, 4 paths of aether from old

Each away from sight, hidden from the light.

Each has fallen from grace and more

Tell me, dear Vritra and Asura right.

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