chapter 2

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My eyes started to open up; my head was resting on something soft like a pillow.

I couldn't remember what happened or how long I'd been asleep.

It was then that the memories of what happened flooded my mind, causing tears to form in my eyes.

I got the feeling of someone running their fingers through my hair. When my eyes completely opened, I saw Caera looking down at me with a kind, tender smile.

"Don't cry Grey, we're here for you," She said, noticing the tears that held up in my eyes. I noticed that she was the one running her fingers through my hair.

Her face soon started to turn red, though I couldn't see much of her face as her breast was blocking her face.

'Wait, why am I at this angle?' I thought it became clear when I realized what my head was resting on.

My head was resting on her thighs. My face turned bright red causing me to remove my head from her lap.

"I'm sorry for putting you there, but you looked tired and you have all the sleeping equipment on you, so I just placed you on my lap," Caera said, her face blood-red from embarrassment, making her almost look like a tomato.

"No, no, no, I'm sorry for crying in your chest," I mumbled, embarrassed and avoiding eye contact with her red ruby eyes.

"Thank you," I mumbled, remembering what she had just done for me. She had comforted me. Even back in Dicathen, only my father would comfort me after I told them the truth about my reincarnation.

But then when he died, no one was there to help me; not even my "girlfriend" comforted me.

But right here, someone who I hadn't even known for a year was comforting me at one of my lowest points.

"That's what friends are for, no one should be left alone when they're down at their lowest points," she smiled, causing my face to heat up a bit.

"You don't need to tell me if you don't want to, but... do you want to talk?

About what happened?' She asked in a calm voice, showing absolutely no intention of forcing me to say something that I am not ready to do yet.

"She was my daughter, you could say," I mumbled still not sure what to say.

When I looked at Caera her eyes were wide in shock, but she quickly recomposed herself and walked over to me and brought me into another hug, placing my head on her shoulders.

"I'm sorry for your loss," She said, placing her hand on the back of my head, holding me close.

Her doing this changed my viewpoint on the people I have met back in Dicathen. Over there when I was done, no one said "I'm sorry for your loss" except for the people who saw me looking down at my father's corpse.

Ellie and mom wanted to be alone, my mother wanted to be away from me, most likely not able to look at me after what had happened.

Tess didn't even bring it up till the day she decided to run away to look for her parents and even then the apology wasn't even a heartfelt one.

It felt more like she just wanted more attention, using her possible dead parents to do so. All while my father was dead...

While there was a girl I had known for less than a year saying things that not even the people I viewed as friends said.

It felt bad knowing that someone I barely know is capable of doing things people I've known as Arthur Leywin haven't or can't do.

'Maybe I should tell her,' I thought, thinking about the possible outcomes that could happen.

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