Chapter 71

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Feyrith Ivsaar |||:

"Well face him together, got it?" Claire said, as her mana started to spike red fire like scales appeared under her eyes and on her forehead. You could see the bright light coming from under the sleeves of her uniform.

"Alright," I said, as my mana also spiked as I let the Water Serpents' will in my core mana spread throughout my body as I entered my first phase.

"HAHAHAHA, you two think you can beat ME!!?" Curtis yelled, Grawder giving out a large rawr as their mana started to spike.


As Curtis yelled that Grawder and he started to charge at us, Grawders feet stamped against the ground while they came closer and closer to us. I felt my mana spread through my body as I conjured two water orbs, the same orbs I had created before.

Grawder jumped at us, his jaw wide open, his fangs covered in Doradrea blood, planting my foot on the ground. I rotated my body, sending Grawder past me. I swung my head back to where Curtis was, but there was no trace of him. Before I could look in another place I felt a fist slam into my face. It was Curtis's.

Before he could do another move Claire rapier slabbed past his face. Curtis jumped back where Grawder and him regrouped. Removing his shortsword and golden shield from his dimension ring, coating it in crackling fire that highlighted the shadows on his face.

Looking over to Claire I could see her legs still shaking, her breathing uneven. Her grip on her rapier tight, causing blood to start to pour from her hand.

"Claire, calm down, I know you're scared, so am I. But we need to continue going. We are the Disciplinary Committee. We were chosen to protect the students as we are the strongest! We cannot let more students get injured, it would be a stain on our pride and on the name of the Disciplinary Committee!" I said, my voice loud but calm as I stared over looking at Curtis, someone who has thrown away the rights to call himself a Dicathian. Someone who has decided to betray us.

I heard Claire breathing start to steady itself, her grip on her rapier start to weaken as she looked towards Curtis with hatred. I could understand why she was looking at him like that, I was as well. Curtis, while not the friendliest, was still someone who I worked alongside with, and now he's turned his head on Dicathen, for reasons I do not know of.

Conjuring water I launched a wave of it towards Curtis, its tides ripping through the air as it blasted the rocks around it away as it made its way towards Curtis and Grawder. Using the time the wave bought me, I started to chant the incantations for Oceans Depth.

As the tides of water dissipated I finished the incantations, with them finished a large water dome started to form around us, hundreds of water orbs appeared inside, these orbs stronger than the orbs I could conjure by myself.

Curtis looked around confused, wondering what this dome was. The fire that was coating his sword started to fade as the moisture of the air in the dome stopped all fire from igniting. Curtis started to shake his sword, trying to reignite the fire. His face started to scrunch as he couldn't use fire anymore.

Grawder pronounced forward, standing in front of Curtis,trying to protect him. A large boom was heard from inside the dome. A beam of water was sent from the orbs, crashing beside Grawder and Curtis. The ground beside them breaks apart from the impact of the water.

Claire started to send lances of wind, then cutting through the air, as the vortex sound flew closer and closer towards Curtis. Grawder let out a large roar, trying to stop the wind from reaching Him and his master, but the wind lacne just continued to fly towards them, nothing stopping in its way.

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